
Did Death Demons Kill This Rock Star?


At 50 years of age, Taylor Hawkins was found dead in a Bogota, Columbia hotel room. The band was due to play in a rock festival Friday. The band in which he played was a descendant of the Seattle so-called grunge band Nirvana, headed by Kurt Cobain. Cobain struggled with drugs all his short career and eventually the demons he let in through his addiction convinced him to blow out his own brains with a shotgun blast. His friend and bandmate Dave Grohl, eventually regrouped the band, renaming it Foo Fighters after pilots who witnessed unidentified flying objects, UFOs, back in the 40s and 50s. Foo Fighters won 12 Grammys and were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last year. Grohl was the drummer, but took over as singer, leaving the drums to Taylor Hawkins. Grohl admits being a druggie in his younger days, included weed and hallucinogens. To his credit, he says he stopped drugs years ago. Not so with his drummer Hawkins. Hawkins left behind a beautiful wife, two kids, and an estimated net worth of $40 million! Here are the questions that have been circling in my mind since news of his death hit the press over the weekend.

#1 – Why would someone like Hawkins, at the top of his career and possessing fantastic wealth, risk certain death from drug addiction?

#2 – Why didn’t his rehab efforts work and get him off drugs?

#3 – Can being in an affiliated venture with someone evil who took their life create a soul tie with those who inherit some part of that legacy?

#4 – Did the suicide of Cobain pass on a spirit of Death that looked for another victim to destroy?

It’s impossible to know for certain the answers to these questions, but as an exorcist and deliverance minister with nearly five decades of experience confronting demons of Death operate, I can offer some thoughts. I’ll answer these questions above in numerical order.

#1 – The nature of having an addiction to drugs, especially hard drugs, is that the user adopts a lifestyle of lies. Mostly he lies to himself about what he’s doing and what it’s doing to him. I recently had a personal encounter with an addict who at great expense and time had come to see me. He admitted that, just before we started, he had gone to the bathroom and shot up drugs minutes before we prayed. Another drug user once said to me, “I smoked a joint just before meeting you, so I’d have one last time to enjoy what drugs do before I try to get rid of them.” Neither of these individuals had a successful deliverance. Their demons manifested, but there was no way to make them leave. The addict was in agreement with his demons, not God.

#2 – Rehab can be helpful, but if you have demons counseling and rehabilitation only reforms behavior. This can sometimes be helpful, but it won’t get rid of the evil spirits that are fed by the addiction.

#3 – Being in any soul-tie relationship with someone, even at arm’s length or only as part of a legacy, can be an open door for demons to attack. That is why everyone needs to cut off all spiritual ties to former friends, lovers, business associates, even spiritual mentors, if that person committed evil acts, including self-murder.

#4 – I can’t say for certain that Hawkins inherited a suicidal impulse just from being in a legacy band of Curt Cobain. But it is possible. I hear stranger stories every day of how demons connect the dots of a person’s life history to attack when least expected. Plus, we don’t know the personal history of Hawkins, his ancestors and early family life, to know what demons he may have picked up genealogically that then connected with the Cobain heritage. If you know of someone in your bloodline or personal affiliation who committed suicide, curse breaking prayers about this matter are crucial.

Please understand my motives in doing this blog. I’m not out to make a point of the tragedy of Taylor Hawkins, but rather use it as a teaching illustration to warn others who are caught up in drug addiction. If that is you or someone you love, get help now! Get deliverance! Get Christian rehab! Hold the addict accountable to godly spiritual mentors. If the addicted one is a friend of family member, get them to someone like me who knows how to cast out demons of death and addiction. A virtual encounter might save their life. Rock star or average individual, the spirit of Death is no respecter of persons. As Proverbs 27:20 says, “Hell and destruction are never full; so, the eyes of man are never satisfied.”

An Encouraging Word


Does God make mistakes? Is the Almighty capricious? Is He ever cruel and uncaring? Isaiah has the answer (25:1): For in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things.  Two things here. What God does is always marvelous, even if at the time it doesn’t seem like it. Second, His faithfulness is perfect. You and I can’t always be depended upon. Try as we may, we fail one another, even the ones we love most. But the Lord is always faithful, and He is perfect. You can count on Him to always be there for you and never fail.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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