
Discerning the Demonic

Our International School of Exorcism (ISE), our Advanced Academy of Deliverance (AAD), and our books all outline procedures for confronting and conquering the demonic world, through Christ. Those familiar with our materials attest that, by God’s grace, we’ve compiled the largest, available resource of information on inner healing, deliverance, and exorcism. But Satan’s kingdom is constantly shape-shifting, developing new strategies to avoid defeat. Consequently, the student of spiritual warfare must constantly be on alert to new ways of understanding how to defeat the devil.
Our book “Dealing with Demons” is one of the best ways, in print medium, to detect how demons operate (to order click here). Too often, sincere individuals involved in deliverance make hasty or “prophetic” judgments about someone’s spiritual condition without logically thinking through all the factors affecting a deliverance; thus, we offer the following insights into discerning the demonic.
During our one-on-one Personal Spiritual Encounters, I have a mental checklist that I go through when analyzing whether an individual’s condition is demonic.
  • Does the person’s physical or mental state provide an adequate explanation for their condition? Are there physical impairments or neurological issues? Is there a history of delusional thinking or psychotic behavior not brought on by drugs or excessive trauma? Brain injury, hormonal imbalances, and stress disordering may result in behavior that seems devilish but can be explained logically.
  • Is the person’s past or present moral behavior a cause for demonization? Has there been over-indulgence in the occult, promiscuity, anti-social conduct, drug usage, or other forms of spiritual rebellion? If there is no evidence of demonic open doors through satanic behavior, that’s one area that can be dismissed, unless generational curses are a factor.
  • Is the person’s behavior a result of characteristics which are endemic to their identity? Are they naturally disposed to quickness of temper, exaggerated reactions, fearful responses, paranoid or delusional conclusions? Unregulated behavior and personal lack of moral boundaries may be such a part of an individual’s character that they act demonic on their own without any supernatural indicators.
  • Do the person’s thoughts and actions reflect experiences they’ve encountered in life though a dysfunctional family structure or trauma and abuse? Was their home life chaotic or lacking in affirmation? Has there been evidence of severe physical mistreatment or sexual violation? Thousands of times I have asked the question, “What’s the worst thing that happened in your life?” The answer may reveal an obvious area where demons are present.
Certainly, not every individual neatly fits into these four criteria of evaluation, but this checklist is a quick barometer for considering the question, “Is it just them, or the devil?” Discerning the demonic is certainly a matter of spiritual awareness (1 Corinthians 12:10), but it can also be a practical evaluation of whether there is evidence that the way a person behaves is the devil’s doing.

An encouraging word: ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST

How many times have you heard a Christian say with boldness and determination, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It’s a great thought, but I wonder if we don’t sometimes put the emphasis on the “I” rather than “Christ.” “I” can do this, or “I” can do that. Such a sentiment can turn into a bit of an ego trip with Jesus along for the ride of what “I” can do. Rethink what Paul said in Philippians 4:13 to put the focus on “Christ” who does His work and will through the vehicle of the “I.” Indeed we may do great things for God, but it’s all about Christ in us and His strength.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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