
Divining For The Devil?


A center of divination dating back 3,300 years has been discovered in Armenia. Archeologists have concluded that ancient occultists used clay idols and censers to burn animal bones as a way of determining the future. Modern psychics and spiritualists are Johnny-come-latelies to the business of trying to determine the future by linking it to a present ritual. The Armenian site is believed to be a major cult center that serviced the ruling class who sought such information to make momentous decisions. This historical sites gives evidence of osteomancy, predicting the future with the knucklebones of cows, sheep, and goats. After burning them they were rolled like dice. Lithomancy, using stones for divination, was done with small pebbles. Aleuromancy was also used by baking bread in ovens and then using stamp seals to form divinatory shapes with the dough.

If this all seems a little silly, hang around me for a while and witness the stories of people who have been to various kinds of current-day witch doctors and mediums. I’ve heard it all. Individuals have described being asked to burn pieces of paper for 21 days and each day dip the paper into water which they drink. Others were told to bathe in water filled with various kinds of flowers or chemicals. Some were instructed to go the sea and dunk themselves a specific number of times on an exact number of days. Some tales told me are even crazier. All this to get rid of the demons tormenting them. Such kinds of silly superstitions were also around at the time of Christ. That’s why those who saw Jesus exorcise evil spirits were astounded that the demons obeyed with just a word from Jesus (Mark 1:27). Evil spirts still do the same today for those who dare to confront them in His name. No bones, no dice, no ovens. Just Jesus and the power of His Name causes evil spirits to flee those whom they have bound.

An encouraging word: DRIVE OUT DEMONS

When Jesus sent the 12 to teach from village to village (Mark 6:7), preaching the gospel isn’t mentioned in His directive. The Bible does says that He “gave them authority over evil spirits” and that “they drove out many demons . . . (Mark 6:13). Of course, they did preach the gospel (Mark 6:12). Why is it that so much evangelical emphasis is on the Good News and almost nothing is said about the remainder of Christ’s command? If Satan is attacking you today, remember you have authority over all evil because you are saved. And with salvation also comes the power to send Satan packing. 

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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