
Doctrines of Demons


One of the least understood scriptures in the New Testament is 1 Timothy 4:1. Let’s consider it in the classic King James Version:

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. KJV

These words of the apostle Paul are highlighted by the promotional banner you see above, a photo taken by a friend who lives in nearby Tucson, Arizona. Note the slogan at the top:

You don’t need salvation . . . the Real of you has never been lost.

That unbiblical and blasphemous statement is juxtaposed to the seemingly orthodox comment below regarding the omnipresence of God. Such theological confusion shouldn’t surprise anyone aware of cultish groups such as the Unity School of Christianity. Unity, founded in the late nineteenth century by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore of Kansas City, Missouri, teaches that all world religions are equally valid, and that Christianity is just one of many paths to God. Unity’s emphasis on positive thinking belies the cult’s deceptive beliefs in reincarnation, including the blasphemy that Jesus Christ was King David reincarnated.

The idea of Unity that there’s no need for the blood atonement of Christ is one of many doctrines, creedal statements of belief, that demons teach today, such as:

  • God is One, but the paths to him are many.
  • A loving God wouldn’t send sinners to an eternal Hell.
  • If you’re sincere, God won’t deny you entrance to Heaven.

Parse the doctrines of demons more specifically, concerning deliverance, and you get these falsehoods:

  • Once a person is saved, no Christian can have a demon.
  • The Holy Spirit and a demon spirit can’t dwell in the same vessel.
  • During deliverance, demons should be commanded to remain silent.
  • All generational curses were annulled by the death of Christ on the Cross.

As Jesus warned in Mark 7:7, we must always be conscious that what we teach isn’t a doctrine that comes from the “commandments of men.”

Plainly put, Unity’s banner that the “real you has never been lost,” is a lie. Luke 19:10 clearly states that Christ came to save those who are lost. Our International School of Exorcism provides voluminous historical and theological support for the truth that Christians may be demonically invaded. Before you assume that something is true, just because some famous preacher said it, or because some religious group declares it, consider whether what you believe is truly biblical or a doctrine of demons!

An encouraging word: LET GOD SEARCH YOUR HEART

“I The Lord search the heart and examine the mind” (Jeremiah 17:10). Have you ever thought about that? There is nothing in your soul which the Lord doesn’t know. Every thought, each aspiration, every temptation you’ve allowed. If God examines our minds, how much more should we be careful to guard everything that enters the world of our imagination. Take inventory today of what you’ve allowed into your heart and by examination get rid of what’s not pleasing to God, before He, who knows your heart, finds it necessary to chasten your mind.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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