
Drugs, Lust and False Religion


Most of my time is spent doing one-on-one Personal Spiritual Encounters, on the road during seminars and at our ministry center in Phoenix, Arizona. Every year, I minister face-to-face to nearly 1,000 hurting individuals. That gives me unique insight into what spiritually holds people in spiritual slavery. The most common causes of human bondage I witness day after day are drugs, lust, and false religion. 

DRUGS: It’s not just teens on weed. Aging hippies, middle-aged matrons, successful businessmen and women. Doctors, lawyers, even Christian leaders. The opioid crisis has invaded the church. Cannabis, with it’s devastating mental damage (especially psychosis), is epidemic. In 2017, the last year of available government statistics, more than 70,000 died from drug overdoses. But the biggest toll is the millions who have lost the ability think clearly enough to hold a job or parent a family. Most of them are demonized and in need of an exorcism. 

LUST: The porn industry rakes in $100 billion a year!! Did you see the Superbowl halftime show? Shakira salaciously wagging her tongue and her bottom? Jennifer Lopez seductively pole-dancing? Such simulated sex by body-to-body rubbing used to be reserved for “gentlemen’s clubs,” not an all-American event. The debauchery made Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction” of 2004, where Justin Timberlake exposed her breast on national TV, seem almost quaint. That was a flashing moment. Super Bowl LIV halftime was an erotic spectacle for a quarter of an hour. Any wonder, that half the people who come to me for ministry are bound by demons of Lust and Jezebel? 

FALSE RELIGION: The New Age is a no longer the curiosity of fringe kooks. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow has launched a new Netflix series called “Goop” showcasing all kinds of New Age spiritualism. The advertising poster for the show features her standing in front of a huge, styled woman’s vagina! The show promotes the benefits of energy healing and psychedelic drugs. According to one press release, women will be encouraged to masturbate, including one woman who achieves an orgasm on-camera and describes it as an exorcism!!!! More than half of all my encounters involve casting out demons which invaded through such forms of New Age spiritualism. 

For those bound by drugs, lust, and false religion, there is hope. There is no sin too great to be forgiven. No emotional wound too deep to be healed. No demon so strong that it can’t be dislodged by Christ’s power. If you’re a victim of this unholy trinity of evil, or other spiritual rebellion that is destroying your life, Jesus can and will set you free today. Call us for help. Call on Him to be delivered from drugs, lust, and false religion.

An Encouraging Word


Remember the TV show “Father Knows Best?” Probably not unless you’re collecting Social Security. The sentiment of that show seems so far away today. Feminists think it was paternalistic and misogynistic. Progressives consider it abusive to present children as having inferior maturity when compared to their parents. The idea of the show was simple: in the end, Dad’s wisdom prevailed. One reason people today see this show as anachronistic is because our culture has rejected the idea that anyone, even God, could have the right to impose an authoritarian opinion in the family; but in the family of God there should be no debate about who really knows best – God. As Proverbs 16:2 says: All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but the motives are weighed by the Lord.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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