
Dying to Drink

Friday, February 14th 2014

Article in yesterday’s USA-TODAY newspaper.

Drug rehab center near Novomoskovsk, Ukraine.

One of the reasons that I have such a spiritual burden to go to Eastern Europe, Ukraine, and Russia is because of the demonic bondage that exists in that part of the world. The Russians, and by extension the Ukrainians (who speak Russian and were under Soviet domination for decades), have a massive alcohol-addiction problem. Almost every one of the 500+ churches in that part of that world were we have established deliverance teams, also have a drug rehab center. Most of the Russian language YouTube exorcisms featured on our channel involve people who were drug or alcohol addicted, as well as being demon-possessed. The photo above was taken well after midnight. I and the Teenage Exorcists (pictured with me) were returning from a late night ministry meeting. Our bus driver begged us to please stop by the local church rehab center and say hello to the recovering addicts. They had been waiting up all night to see us. What a beautiful bunch of young people, some in their early teens. (The director of the Center, a former addict himself named Eugene, a wonderful man of God, stands between Tess and Savannah Scherkenback, two of the Teenage Exorcists. My daughter Brynne is just over my left shoulder.)

According to a recent study published by the science journal The Lancet, 25% of Russian men die before age 55 due to excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption. The average Russian consumes more than 14 quarts of pure alcohol a year. The youth pictured above would have had a life expectancy barely beyond 50, if they made it that long because of street-drug complications. But Jesus has changed all that.  Every one of them has been through deliverance and rehabilitation. Their future is bright and they have hopes for marriage and families with children who will be brought up drug and alcohol free! This is just one more way your support of the ministry is making a difference. The contrast between the newspaper headline from USA-TODAY and the photo next to it is possible because of the Gospel. Thank you for helping us to bring the hope of Jesus to those bound by demons and addiction.

An encouraging word:  JESUS MAKES A DIFFERENCE

There are so many ways that Jesus makes a difference, especially in practical terms. Even leaving eternal life out of the equation, it’s worth it to follow Christ. Faith in Jesus can bring freedom from demonic bondage, addictions, emotional dysfunction, debilitating diseases, troubled relationships, financial failure, mental torment; the list is almost endless. All these benefits aren’t automatic. The follower of Christ must walk by faith, study God’s Word, appropriate His promises, claim His liberation, declare His victory. But a faithful walk with God can bring forth a life of true fulfillment and happiness. Jesus DOES make all the difference in the world.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.


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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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