
Edgar Cayce Psychic Pedophiles


Everyone who schedules an encounter with me, both virtual and in-person, must fill out an intake form giving me some idea what issues need to be addressed. We ask whether the individual seeking deliverance has been involved in New Age practices or psychic phenomena which may have opened the door to demons of divination. Often, demons won’t leave until these things have been renounced. One of the forms of demonic involvement most frequently mentioned is Edgar Cayce and the non-profit organization he founded in 1931, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, ARE for short.

You may have read books about him such as “The Sleeping Prophet,” “Many Mansions,” and “There is a River.” Cayce was a Baptist Sunday School teacher who became interested in spiritualism. He resisted a warning by famous evangelist D. L. Moody that he was consorting with demons. This rebellion led Cayce deeper and darker into witchcraft, believing that he was channeling his higher self. Cayce laid down, went into a trance, and a voice spoke forth opining on many subjects. These included reincarnation (He said was true.), cancer cures (He said alleviated by eating three almonds a day.), and smoking (Cayce declared not unhealthy.). He diagnosed various disease and cures. ARE has a huge library of over 14,000 Cayce “readings” which catalogue his claims of health and healing,

As a child he was visited by an angel-woman with wings, likely a demonic angel of light, who offered to answer his prayers. He saw auras, heard voices of the dead, pursued astrology, and validated the lost civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria. Today he’s regarded as a foremost founder of the movement we now call the New Age. Those who want to know more about Edgar Cayce should consult the detailed section on him that I included in my book “Larson’s Book of World Religions.” More to the point of why I’m bringing up this subject. A recent published report alleges that an ARE sponsored summer camp in Virginia has been the scene of rape and pedophilia. Eight women have filed lawsuits claiming they were sexually assaulted at this camp when they were children! One lawsuit asserts that, “ARE spiritual teachings set the stage for a silent epidemic of sexual assault and violence against young children and women.” Another lawsuit says that the Cayce people organized a “goddess night” during which female campers ran naked through a field while male campers watched. We’ll see how these lawsuits progress, but one thing is certain. If you’ve dabbled in the teachings of Edgar Cayce, you may have picked up demons. Throw out his books, repent of following his biblically forbidden teachings, and contact us immediately for an encounter. You may need an exorcism from demons of Jezebel, witchcraft, and sexual abuse.

An Encouraging Word


We live in a world so depraved, so evil, at times it is emotionally overwhelming. Crime, violence, and inhumanity are all around in extreme quantities. How can you keep your spiritual balance with so much evil so evident? In Luke 21 Jesus warned about the horrible things which would eventually come upon the world. But in verse 28 He counseled that we should “look up” because our ultimate redemption is near. No matter how bad it gets, God is in control and if we “lift up our heads” with a heavenly perspective we will not falter or fear.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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