Nine killed in Dayton, Ohio and 22 murdered in El Paso. This past week, our nation has been transfixed with shock, horror, and revulsion at the domestic carnage caused by two young men, Connor Betts in Ohio and Patrick Crusius in El Paso. As expected, there have been calls for more gun control and better attention to mental health issues. News anchors, journalists and pundits of various persuasions have opined on the cause of these killings. Some running for public office have tried to make political capital directly blaming the President as if he had pulled the trigger. But a closer look at the shooters reveals what they did was the work of Satan.
My book “Dealing with Demons” was written with this premise in mind: How can we know if an individual’s actions are the result of negative nurturing and bad influences or if Satan was directly involved? Two important factors to consider are these: 1) What kind of home and family influences were present during their formative years? and 2) What evil choices did these individuals make on their own that opened doors to the devil?
The father of Patrick Crusius was Bryan Crusisus, who battled alcoholism for 40 years, which led to the breakup of the family. Patrick was apparently conceived illegitimately by an 18-year relationship that his father had with his mother. The elder Crusius admits to also taking hallucinogenic drugs and magic mushrooms. He claims to have been cured of his alcoholism after Jesus spoke directly to him following an encounter with his dead grandmother (the sin of necromancy). Bryan now practices energy healing. These influences of family brokenness, drug abuse, New Age and occult practices opened the door to demons in Bryan and Patrick. Whatever anti-Hispanic template Patrick later placed on his twisted ideology, the root cause of his anger was demonic.
Conner Betts, the Dayton shooter, was a left-leaning, socialist ideologue who praised Satan in his media posts. In one selfie he included the hashtag; selfie4satan #HailSatan@SatanTweeting. His father also wrote on Facebook about leftist politics. He tweeted once that “my horoscope just reads doom.” His left shoulder sported what appears to be the tattoo of a goat’s head image of Lucifer. Of southern border immigration issues he wrote, “Cut the fences down. Slice ICE tires. Throw bolt cutters over the fences.” He was also into what’s called “porngrind,” a form of metal music devoted to twisted sexual images. He was a fan of the black-metal band Neckbeard Deathcamp who declare of those who oppose their music, “May their light of hope be consumed by the dark as we will know no mercy.” Betts also had his own band called the Menstrual Munchies. He sang songs about sexual violence and sex with corpses (necrophilia). One tune was entitled, “Sexual Abuse of a Teenage Corpse.”
To police and preachers, politicians and pundits, stop looking for motives! The evidence is in front of you. These were demonic crimes. Don’t blame Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. Crusius and Betts were both demonized. Of course, both were mentally destabilized. BUT WHY! There were overt satanic influences in the lives of both. As an exorcist, it’s clear to me that these were Luciferian crimes. It’s not about the guns. They would have found another way to murder and mayhem. The El Paso and Dayton killers where demonic, and there are more like them out there, that only exorcism and spiritual warfare in the name of Jesus will halt. Enroll NOW in our International School of Exorcism and find out what you can do to stop this evil done in the name of Satan.
An encouraging word: IN THE DARKNESS
“He made darkness his covering” (Psalm 18:11). Now that’s a strange statement. Perhaps it means that what God does, He does in secret in ways we cannot understand. God works in mysterious ways where the light of day doesn’t always shine. And when darkness surrounds us, it doesn’t mean that God has abandoned us, as we sometimes think. It just means that His purposes are hidden. We want to look for the Lord in the brightness of the sun where everything is glowing; but sometimes we need to be patient, even in the darkness. It is there that He may doing His greatest work in our lives.
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