
Energy Healing Exposed


Recently I did a virtual encounter with an individual from a European nation. She had recently found the Lord and was escaping a background of occult/New Age beliefs. Among the things she got involved in were healing stones, laying on of hands, tarot cards, yoga, zone therapy, and German psychic Bruno Gröning. This intelligent and educated woman was being attacked mentally and physically. She discovered me on YouTube and sought help. Unfortunately, she is one of millions who’ve been deceived by energy healing.

The basic ideas behind energy healing are these:

  • An undefined energy pervades the universe and all living things. Live in harmony with it and life will be successful. It flows in the body through 12 meridians (in deference to the zodiac of astrology).
  • This energy has no objective component and is known by different names in different religions and cultures. “Mana” to the Polynesians, “prana” to Hindus, and “chi” to Buddhists and Taoists, for example. This energy has no moral code and can be cultivated by anyone of any religious persuasion. 
  • Physical, emotional, and spiritual health is possible by re-distributing or disrupting the flow of this energy by techniques such as the laying on of hands, non-touch hand movements over the body in wave-like motions, pressure points (reflexology), disruption by needles (acupuncture), burning (moxibustion—fire from dried mugwort), and body motions such as yoga,  tai chi, or qui gong.
  • Often, a spiritual healer or guru is needed to move the energy, a supposedly advanced being. (None ever profess orthodox biblical faith.)

The late Bruno Gröning, mentioned above, was a German/Polish mystic who rose to fame after World War II. He’s still followed by millions across Europe. His beliefs are typical of energy healers. He claimed access to “ancient wisdom” that had been lost. He believed that health, not illness, is humanity’s natural state [Christian Science]. Wellness is possible by absorbing a “divine life force” by daily tuning in to a “healing wave.” He predicted that humanity was about to experience what he called a “great reversal” when everyone would live in harmony with nature. He died at age 52. So much for ancient wisdom.

If you have been involved in energy healing, as a practitioner or recipient, you are likely demonized and in need of an exorcism. You must immediately make a list of all related practices in which you’ve engaged and find someone who understands spiritual warfare to agree with you in prayers of renunciation. Better yet, contact our offices for an in-person or virtual encounter. The energy you may have manipulated or ingested is demonic and has nothing to do with true biblical healing such as prescribed in James 5:14, prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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