
Exorcism is Inevitable


Every other week, our YouTube Exorcism Channel features an interesting question that focuses on some truth about spiritual warfare. We receive so many hundreds of questions that it’s impossible to answer all of them. Some are uniquely important. They need an immediate response. Such is the question posed by a man named Evans who lives in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa. Evan asks, “Is it possible for a Christian who has demons to live a biblically consistent life until the demons become weak and possibly leave by themselves? Do the demons eventually find the environment uninhabitable?

No! Demons never leave of their own accord. No matter how close to the Lord an individual gets, or how uncomfortable an indwelling demon may be because of the host’s faith, that evil spirit isn’t going until he is told to go. If the host of an indwelling demon is to be completely free from evil intrusion, an exorcism is inevitable. One an evil spirit has invaded a human, it is the nature of that fallen angel to fight to occupy the territory that they claim. When confronted and made to manifest, demons say things such as, “This is my home”; “He/she wants me”; “I’ve been here too long to leave”; “I can’t give up my assignment.” Most fight tenaciously. Even weakened demons don’t voluntarily leave. The nearest I have come to a demon being cooperative is when the invading spirit says, “I don’t like it here anymore. He/she prays too much.” But even then, they must be commanded to leave.

When Jesus confronted the spirits Legion, he told them, “Come out of him” (Matthew 5:8). These evil spirits knew who Jesus was and didn’t want to suffer at His hands. In the previous verse 5:7, they begged not to be tormented. They knew that Christ was coming to the country of the Gadarenes, but they did not pre-emptively skedaddle. They knew they would suffer at the hands of Christ, the Son of God, but still stood their ground, to the point of begging not to go (Matthew 5:10). If demons didn’t leave because Jesus was about to confront them, your demons aren’t going because you fast and pray. Such spiritual preparation is important to get ready for your deliverance, but you’re still going to need an exorcism. Soaking prayer won’t do it. Healing therapy won’t suffice. Demons only obey the command of Christ to leave. To have complete freedom exorcism can’t be avoided. It’s inevitable.

An encouraging word: PRESUMPTUOUS SINS

What opens the door to addiction in a Christian’s life? Psalm 19:13 says, “Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me.” Presumptuous sins are those that you know are wrong before you do them. Have you ever thought, “I know this is wrong, but I can do it and later repent?” This is yielding your will to the enemy. If you continue, this sin will gain “dominion” over you, meaning it will get to the point that you (outside of God’s intervention) will be unable to resist it. This is how every addiction takes root! Stop addiction in its track. Repent (turn around) BEFORE you sin!

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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