
Exorcism Isn’t Easy


A friend of our ministry, Krista, who recently completed the courses in our International School of Exorcism, made an interesting observation: “There seems to be so much detail and subtlety in exorcism. I would call it an art.” Put another way, some critics accuse me of being unbiblical when I encourage students of our School to learn many intricacies of information before attempting to cast out demons. In short, they argue, “Just do it like Jesus did. Tell the demons to kept quiet and come out.” They infer that deliverance should be quick and easy.

This critique is based on a lack of scriptural knowledge and many false assumptions. Some “experts,” who’ve never been involved in deliverance, argue that Jesus cast out demons quickly; however, to cite several cases in point, we don’t know how much time Christ spent ministering to the man among the tombs (Mark chapter 5); or the Syrophoenician woman of Mark chapter nine. We know by reading certain passages in which Christ cast out demons that He engaged in verbal interaction with evil spirits. What the gospel writers give us are sketchy, anecdotal accounts, not time-logged transcripts of what occurred. Furthermore, the only time Jesus directly silenced demons was the case of the demon possessed man who screamed in the synagogue (Mark 1:23-27). And this was because Christ didn’t want his identity prematurely exposed.

Yes, Krista, it is an art. And a complicated one at that. As explained in the School of Exorcism, an effective deliverance minister may face not only demons but several other states of consciousness. These may include dissociative identity disorder, ancestral dissociated soul-fragments, or absorbed soul-identities from living individuals (those whom the demonized host had soul-connections with). It is an art to sort through all these soulish identities to get to the demons. So why doesn’t the Bible tell us about this and why didn’t the disciples encounter such variations of possession? Well, they may have and didn’t tell us. Or it’s possible that such strategies of Satan have been devised or perfected in the last 2,000 years as defensive responses from the devil.

Exorcism isn’t easy. The effective exorcist/deliverance minister must know the Word, fast as needed, be aware of psychological mind states, have some understanding of mental illness, and be prepared to methodically proceed with ministry. “Out in the name of Jesus” is the end game. But what leads to that command of expulsion can be a challenging process. And it’s a lot more difficult for the person who hasn’t enrolled in our International School of Exorcism.



An encouraging word: FIND CHRISTIAN FRIENDS

God has created us for community. We are all healthier in every way when we are connected to the larger human family, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. That’s why the Bible says that serious decisions in life should have the checks and balances described in Proverbs 11:14: “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Find friends. Develop solid Christian fellowship on a regular basis. Your life will be enriched and the devil will have less ways to attack you. Godly Christian friends are a must in our disconnected world.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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