This week’s blog is combined with our usual Update report on ministry activities, because what happened this past week is both newsworthy and spiritually powerful. Last week the Discovery Channel show “Expedition Unknown” featured me performing one of the most dramatic exorcisms I’ve ever done on national TV.
Last February during a seminar, a man named Reuben manifested a powerful spirit calling itself The King of Egypt. It claimed to go back 3,500 years to the time of the Pharaohs. When the producer of “Expedition Unknown” contacted me several weeks later, they wanted to arrange a second exorcism with Reuben. This follow-up deliverance turned out to be even more dramatic than the first.
During the filming of the exorcism, God led me to trace back the root of the evil in Reuben to an ancient curse of murder during the Roman Empire. Reuben violently manifested by snarling and growling, with his face contorting and threats to strangle me. The host, Gates, and another man had to hold Reuben to prevent serious physical harm from occurring. A member of the filming crew, Evan Stone, Director of Photography, said on camera, “We’ve done a lot of bizarre things in weird places, but [during this exorcism] I felt more scared than any other place we’ve been.”
In the end, Jesus was victorious, and host Josh Gates concluded, “We know this topic from the movies and from pop culture, but to actually witness this and speak with someone who actually works in this space put it in a different light for me.”
This show also put exorcism and deliverance in a different light for millions of viewers. Only eternity will tell how many people bowed their knees at the end of the show and gave their hearts to Jesus, because they had witnessed His power in action. Who knows how many backslidden Christians renewed their faith because they were reminded how real the devil is.
This amazing opportunity wasn’t the result of some clever marketing that we did, or some ingenious idea we pitched to the media. They came to us because they wanted to tell the story of what God is doing through our ministry. This was a God-thing, and to Him be the glory. The exorcism of Reuben on national TV is just one more example of how God is blessing this ministry with favor in places preachers never go. And I never forget that it’s the prayers and financial support of all our friends that make such opportunities of witness for the Lord possible. Be sure to watch the first exorcism of Reuben, which is our featured YouTube exorcism this week (to view click here.). If you missed the airing of this special, check the “Expedition Unknown” web site for future links to see reairs of this amazing display of God’s power in action.
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