I am deeply saddened that, with all the supportive evidence from the medical and psychological fields, the concept of inherited behavior is still denied by many Christian leaders. Our book “Dealing with Demons” alludes to the burgeoning interest in the neurobiological science of epigenetics. In a section called “cracking the genetic code of curses,” I refer to research reported on in the professional journal “Biological Psychiatry.” This organ reports that environmental factors, such as extreme trauma, can affect one’s DNA, which in turn is inherited by successive generations; thus, the words of Exodus 20:5 regarding the visitation of generational evil are validated. In my book, I also quote Lee Bitsoi, Ph.D. Research Associate in Genetics at Harvard University, who says that epigenetic changes may be linked to the “development of illnesses such as PTSD, depression, and type 2 diabetes.”
More recently, a posting in “The Wall Street Journal’ (March 1, 2019) further validates these findings. Patricia East, Ph.D., University of California at San Diego, writes regarding research concerning the surviving children of war-refugee, Somalian mothers who immigrated to the U. S. These Somalian mothers who were tortured in refugee camps later gave birth to children in America, born here with no exposure to such horrors. Dr. East says that the mothers who suffered PTSD had children with psychological disorders passed on from mother to child. By way of further conclusion, Dr. East says that “the effects of trauma can linger across time and across generations.”
I would add that, from my experience, such emotional trauma also generationally transmits various states of demonization. This is one reason why we encounter evil spirits in the offspring of those who have suffered rape, incest, molestation, and serious sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. Science now confirms what those of us who minister inner healing and deliverance already know. Ancestors who suffered various trauma pass on to successive generations the potentiality and actuality of demonic torment. My plea to pastors everywhere is stop denying it with religious clichés and start doing something about it with inner healing and deliverance!
An encouraging word: HEAR MY PRAYER
“Hear my prayer!” David’s cry in Psalm 17:6 is echoed throughout Scripture. “Hear my prayer” (Psalm 102:1); “Hear my voice” (Psalm 119:149); “Hear my voice” (Psalm 130:2; 141:1); “Hear my prayer” (Psalm 143:1). Very consistent. Do you ever pray like this, crying out for the Lord to really listen to what you say? God wants to hear your fervency, your insistency, your desperation when you cry out to Him. Unfortunately, a lot of prayers are droll, lifeless, and almost cavalier. I encourage you. The next time you come before the Lord, let Him know you are serious. Start out by boldly and forcefully by saying, “Hear me!” That may be the time you finally get an answer.
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