
Having Demons Isn’t Unusual


Having demons isn’t unusual. Most think that being demon possessed is a rare and bizarre occurrence. But in fact, most individuals invaded by an evil spirit are otherwise normal in their behavior. But there is always one aspect of life that isn’t what it should be.

Hollywood portrays demon possession as grotesque, like something out of the “Night of the living Dead.” By film standards demonic possession means an individual being robotically controlled to commit heinous deeds. But some of the nicest people I know have demons. I’ve ministered to all classes of people from common laborers to professionals, from college educated to high school dropouts. Having a demon has no social or economic factors, and no racial or ethnic distinctions. Anyone at any time can have a demon and it isn’t unusual.

The people I minister to, day after day, are ordinary folks, just like you. There are husbands and fathers, wives and mothers, single people, widowed individuals, and those who are still seeking a relationship. They are young and old. Some are deep in their faith others are new to Christianity. But they all have something in common. Either they have opened doors to the devil by their own sin or they have evil ancestors who opened doors to the devil and passed on their demons to successive generations.

Those who have opened their own doors to the devil need to repent and close those doors. Those who have ancestors who bequeathed their demons to successive generations must break the curses of their bloodline. This procedure, which is part of a deliverance process, is simple and uncomplicated. Even when it does get more involved the fact remains. In most cases the individual doesn’t have demons because they are mentally deranged or unforgivably evil. They have demons for specific reasons. Those causes can be explored, prayed over, and rendered null-and-void. After that, the demons can be cast out.

It is true that people with demons sometimes have strange paranormal occurrences that exhibit abnormal mental and physical sensations. Some are even attacked sexually such as the case of an incubus or succubus spirit. But even then, these instances of demonization are not unusual. I encounter them almost every day of my life, in face-to-face or virtual ministry.

I am saying all of this to encourage you. If your life has been filled with inexplicable tragedies or some form of serious abuse; if you feel like you are being attacked by something supernatural and evil, you’re not unusual. You need help, and we can help you. Demons afflict both the famous and every day, ordinary people. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve gone through in life. The power of Jesus Christ will liberate you if you seek help in the proper circumstances. If you think you have a demon, I want to assure you that your feelings and fears are not unusual. They can be corrected, and you can be freed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Through our deliverance teams, our associate ministers, or an appointment with me, we can show you how to get delivered from your demons. Just know this – your situation is not unusual.

An Encouraging Word


Psalm 29:2 tells us to give the Lord the “glory due to His name.” What an inspiring thought. Far too many all around us curse and take His name in vain. When something goes wrong, if a situation is irritating, if some physical or emotional injury happens, God’s name is the first to be uttered in disgust. Doing this, no matter how angry the person may be, brings a curse back on the head of the one who utters such spiritual invectives. The next time you are prone to anger, instead of hurling some vicious vituperation against the Lord, give glory to His name and see how quickly that changes things.

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Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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