
Hillsong and the Cleopatra Curse


I approach this topic with sadness. The Hillsong organization has had a huge influence on the body of Christ through music and church growth. There is much to be appreciated with regards to this Australian-originated religious movement. Their approach to the gospel isn’t my preference, but I heed the words of Philippians 1:18: “The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice” (NIV).

The moral failure of Carl Lentz, Hillsong’s most prominent U. S. pastor, has been widely reported. Lentz, leader of the New York City Hillsong Church, was best known as a sycophant to the stars, namely Justin Bieber (whom he baptized). I attended Lentz’s services at the PlayStation Theater in Times Square. There were many warning signs, including his unqualified support for the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement. Frankly, I wasn’t surprised that Lentz became sexually involved with a 34-year-old jewelry designer, Ranin Karim, a Palestinian Muslim of Egyptian descent.

According to the latest reports Lentz is staying with his wife and three children and receiving therapy. But he isn’t likely to get deliverance. Hillsong is opposed to deliverance and doesn’t believe that Christians can have demons. Lentz may be a victim of what I call the Cleopatra Curse. (Remember, Lentz’s mistress is Egyptian.) This curse is rooted in the historical Cleopatra, the last Ptolemaic Queen of Egypt. Forget about the Richard Burton/Elizabeth Taylor fictional film. The real Cleopatra was a seductress, carrying on affairs with both Caesar and Mark Antony. Her adulteries nearly brought down the Roman empire. In the end she committed suicide, legend says with an asp bite.

From my experiences as an exorcist, I can tell you that Cleopatra was possessed by the Jezebel spirit of the Egyptian goddess Isis. I’ve encountered this Isis/Jezebel/Cleopatra curse many times. The sad saga of Carl Lentz has all the earmarks of this evil. If so, only an exorcism will rid him of this influence on his family. Pray for Lentz that through deliverance the curse of Cleopatra will be lifted, and he can find peace with God for his tormented soul. I encourage Hillsong to reconsider their opposition to deliverance. If not demons, how else can the sad saga of Carl Lentz be explained?

An Encouraging Word


America is a nation beset with insomnia. More than 30% of the nation has trouble sleeping, and the figure rises to 60% for those over 60. Ten million use prescription sleep aids. Yet few are as troubled as King David who wrote in Psalm 3:5, “I lie down and sleep.” At the time he had lost his throne and was running for his life. His own son Absalom was seeking to destroy him. Yet in the midst of such despair, David slept. The reason? The latter part of this verse says, “The Lord sustains me.” There may be legitimate times when an Ambien or Tylenol PM is necessary, but all too many depend on drugs rather than God’s peace as the source of solace.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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