How Witchcraft Operates In The Church



When I pose the question of whether or not you may be attending a church that has been infiltrated with witchcraft you likely think I’m joking or just trying to get your attention. I want to be very careful about what I say because I don’t want people exaggerating my comments as an excuse to start a witch hunt against preachers, they don’t like by condemning doctrines they don’t believe.


Let me be very specific about how witchcraft can operate in the church. Here are some examples based upon my many years of experience in ministry.

FALSE PROPHETIC WORDS: The biggest offender is false prophetic words from a well-intentioned individual who is speaking out of human inspiration.  Many times, in a ministry session I have felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit regarding something very specific about the case I’m dealing with. I guide the process of interrogating the demon, moving it in the direction of this spiritual revelation I may have received. I look for clues that indicate whether what I’m thinking is truly of God and matches what the person is telling me and what the demon says under interrogation. When I have sufficient confirmation, I then bring forth the facts that God has revealed to me. This careful, forensic approach is a way to avoid the mistake of human ideas intruding upon the supernatural circumstances of an exorcism.

WORDS OF CONDEMNATION FROM THE PULPIT: I’ve heard preachers say some horrible things. Others have told me about their faith being damaged by a pastor who made unwise utterances. For example, one individual said the pastor warned the congregation that if they ever left his spiritual covering a terrible tragedy would come into their life. This is highly manipulative and is a curse spoken over the congregation. Head to the nearest exit and don’t look back. Browbeating the flock is hardly the biblical example of a comforting shepherd. This is one way Jezebel tries to destroy churches.

GUILT-TRIPPING PEOPLE DURING DELIVERANCE: Another form of witchcraft which sometimes occurs is when people who minister deliverance guilt trip them into submission. Instead of uncovering the legal right a demon uses to torment a person, some folks who do deliverance spend a lot of time condemning the person who comes for help (e.g. not reading bible enough; inconsistent church attendance). Sometimes the godliest individuals suffer spiritual oppression because of evil ancestors and traumatic abuse from family members. To browbeat such an individual by making them feel that their spiritual problems are completely their fault is a form of witchcraft.

FALSE PROPHET PREACHERS: These individuals can be spotted quickly. The spirit of Jezebel hovers over them leading them to be controlling and very manipulative of their congregations. For example, they may make outlandish claims to enhance their spiritual standing. Other false prophets will tell people amazing things about what they’re going to do someday for God when in fact the individual, for a variety of reasons, may be incapable of achieving those goals. Others will tell them they are healed of diseases without any medical attention necessary, causing the person to lack proper follow up with a doctor. Some false prophets get very personal about people’s lives and that’s not the way the Holy Spirit works in a public setting.

Don’t go on a witch hunt. Be discerning. 1 John 4:1 tells us to test the spirits whether they are from God.

An Encouraging Word


There is an anti-clerical attitude in our culture. Ministers are often ridiculed in the media, and when polls are taken, they are often at the bottom of respected professions. With all the infidelity of megachurch pastors and child abuse scandals in the church, perhaps such cynicism is to be expected. But don’t let a few rotten apples determine your perspective. Paul told Timothy (1 Timothy 5:17) that those who direct the affairs of church life are “worthy of double honor.” Take time today to say something nice about your pastor. Call or send him an email, thanking him for his sacrifices on behalf of the gospel. Give double honor to those in spiritual authority who are genuine in their calling, and God will bless you.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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