
I Have Been Cursed!


I sometimes get the question, “Have you, Bob Larson, ever had an exorcism?” The answer is, “No.” I have not had demons cast out of me. But I have been through deliverance prayers with mature Christians connected to this ministry, men whom I spiritually trust. I gave them permission to probe as deeply as they wished to see if they could find anything demonically attached to me. They found nothing. I have my own thoughts about why I’ve never been demonized. I didn’t become a Christian until my early 20s. Satan had opportunities to spiritually infect me all those years that I headed up a rock’n’roll band performing in bars and nightclubs. But it didn’t happen. I believe that God protected me supernaturally so that I would be better prepared for the ministry that I now have.

The other question that I get is this: “Have you ever needed to break curses?” The answer to that question is, “Yes,” on at least two occasions. First, my grandfather on my mother’s side fled the communist Bolsheviks in Prussia and came to America. My great grandmother witnessed the communists shooting one of her sons in cold blood and dropped dead of a heart attack. I learned about this while my oldest daughter was rummaging through boxes in the garage and found a note that my late mother had written describing this event. I was never told about it, but I remember my daughter’s words as she read from the piece of paper disclosing what had happened. She was only about 13 at the time, but she looked at me very seriously and said, “Dad, this sounds like a curse.” We immediately stopped and prayed over lest any spirit of death coming down through the bloodline would affect me and my family.

There was one other occasion when I found it necessary to break a curse. About 10 years ago I was at my office going through mementos in my desk drawers. I found a beautiful, large pocket watch that I didn’t remember. At first, I thought it was from my father, but then I realized it was from my mother’s father. This is the same grandfather whose mother had dropped dead when her son was murdered. When I turned the watch over, I saw the square and compass of Freemasonry on the back. I had never known that my grandfather was a Mason. I called one of my cousins and asked him if he knew that grandfather was a Freemason. His response was direct. “Of course, didn’t anyone ever tell you that?” he replied. Apparently, the whole extended family knew, except my father and mother who were the only Christians.

My mother had three brothers. My cousin told me that all three brothers, my uncles, were also Masons. Then I started thinking. That side of my family was possibly cursed with a spirit of death from the murder and the Lodge. The majority of my uncles and cousins had suffered extraordinary tragedies. There is no way the extent of evil afflicting my mother’s side of the family could have just happened without there being curses, especially with the killing and the Freemasonry. My mother was the only one of five children, of my Freemason grandfather, who became an active Christian. Because of this, she didn’t suffer like the others did. I believe that the Lord protected me from these curses until I could be confronted with them.

The moment I found out about the watch I immediately called my wife Laura and told her what my cousin had said. We immediately prayed to break these curses from our entire bloodline. Just because I’m an exorcist, and I’ve written dozens of books about spiritual warfare doesn’t mean that I’m automatically immune from curses and demonic attacks if I leave doors open.

Don’t you assume that no matter how spiritual you are, and how active your Christian life may be, that you don’t need to break curses in your bloodline. If you want to be certain, get my book “Curse Breaking” and read it thoroughly. You might also want to get my book “Freedom from Freemasonry” because you may have Masonic Lodge rituals in your background that you know nothing about. An ounce of prevention could be better than having to seek deliverance later.

I don’t have demons and apparently never did. But I did have curses and thank God, I’ve broken them through the power of Jesus Christ. Don’t consider yourself automatically immune from secret attacks of the enemy. There is no harm in going through your ancestry and cutting off any evil that could pass on to you mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual hindrances. I have been cursed, and it’s possible you have also been cursed.

An Encouraging Word


The Bible speaks of creation in poetic ways but make no mistake. There is no intention to question the fact that all creation is the handiwork of God. Of the sun, the psalmist said, “In the heavens He has pitched a tent for the sun (Psalm 19:4).”  What a beautiful picture of how God separated light from darkness by the sun. In the darkness of our universe, without a glimmer of light, the Almighty gave us the illumination of our solar system. A gigantic ball of fire in the sky would light every corner of our globe and planets beyond. How God did this, and how long it took, may be matters of sincere debate. But make no mistake, God made it all happen.  And this is the same God who illuminates your life.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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