
Impeachment Demons


Adam Schiff is a Congressman from California, representing a district in Hollywood populated by film industry elites. It’s widely understood that his election to Congress was largely due to massive financial contributions of the most wealthy, liberal donors in America. As chairman of the House Intel Committee, for weeks, he has been leading the charge to destroy the presidency of Donald Trump. Since Trump was elected, Schiff has been a legislative hit-man with relentless passion to impeach Trump. For more than two years he embraced the Mueller Russian collusion hypothesis. When that fell flat, he claimed that an unknown whistleblower in the government had information about Trump’s call to the President of Ukraine, the contents of which, Schiff said, were impeachable. 

Day after day, he ruled committee hearings with an iron fist, holding meetings in total secrecy without anyone knowing what was going on. When he did finally start public hearings, the public beheld his odd mannerism of periodically distending his dilated eyes, looking like something out of a grade-B horror movie. Schiff’s strange looks immediately caught my attention. Then, people started asking me, “What’s with those eyes? Is Schiff manifesting a demon?” Given Schiff’s political viewpoints on topics like abortion, some suggested to me that Schiff’s eyes were giving away his satanic agenda. Schiff’s defenders said his odd eyes were the result of a hyperthyroid response to anxiety. Really? 

Since, as an exorcist of more than four decades, I’ve looked into more demon eyes than any living person, I can say this. Yes, that’s exactly what many people look like when they manifest demons; however, it would be professionally imprudent of me to pass conclusive judgment on Schiff without a face-to-face meeting, and that’s not going to happen. It wouldn’t be past the devil to publicly gloat at Schiff’s efforts to bring down Trump, who, no matter what you think of him personally has done more than any President since Ronald Reagan to stand for issues dear to Christians. 

Perhaps those are just “Bette Davis Eyes” (Kim Carnes 2004 hit song); perhaps not. I can say this. If you ever look like Schiff, get to a doctor immediately to see if anything is medically wrong. If a physician has no logical explanation, then seek out an exorcist. Impeachment demons want to destroy a Presidency. Your demons want to destroy your soul.

An Encouraging Word


King Hezekiah nearly died, but after much suffering God spared his life. The King then made a remarkable statement: “Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish” (Isaiah 38:17 NIV). That is an amazing perspective. How many of us can say that when we’ve been tested and gone through tough times? Is there sometimes a benefit to suffering? Yes. The Lord may allow trials, even anguish, to come our way to perfect our faith. If we get angry with God, we won’t learn our lesson. But if we trust Him in all things we will eventually realize, as did Hezekiah, the benefit that suffering can sometimes bring.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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