Inner Healing Isn’t Deliverance! (Note: By inner healing we refer to a spiritually therapeutic approach to improving mental and emotional health by prayer, scriptural guidance, recovered memories, and empathetic listening.) If you’re involved in an effective ministry of inner healing, keep on bringing a measure of relief for emotionally wounded people. Help them face past trauma with the grace of God. Assist them in recovering painful memories that may have been forgotten. Lead them to forgiveness for wrongs they’ve suffered. Encourage them to mend broken relationships with friends and loved ones. But, PLEASE, stop saying that what you’re doing is deliverance. You’re offering kindness, along with emotional and spiritual support, in a non-clinical setting. Many people need that, and it’s a great place to start the journey to full spiritual freedom – real deliverance! God bless you for what you’re doing, but don’t pretend that the people you help are “delivered” when many of them still have deeply embedded demons that won’t go away without an exorcism. An exorcism you may deny is needed!
Many people who’ve been through failed attempts at spiritual restoration by inner healing ministries end up finally coming to us, or other ministries with an approach such as ours. Why? Because we get to the root issues that hold people in bondage. We get to the demons behind the trauma and dysfunction. We confront the demons; we interrogate the demons; and we cast out the demons. That doesn’t make us better, just different. And that difference means that the people we help, by God’s grace, finally move forward because the demons holding them back are gone. In our International School of Exorcism and Advanced Academy of Deliverance, we teach that “demons don’t go until they’re forced to go.” In most instances, demons need to manifest and reveal their legal rights and strongholds.
Other approaches to inner healing that don’t require a confrontational exorcism may be well-meaning; but if a person is demonized, they will only get better if demons are forced to speak and reveal who they are and how they got there. For some who aren’t deeply demonized, inner healing may be adequate. I get that. But I grow heavy-hearted, day after day, witnessing people who come to us having been the non-exorcism, inner healing route, and they are still tormented.
To be clear, most people could use some inner healing ministry. And not everyone needs an exorcism. But more precision with language and definitions is needed in spiritual warfare ministry. Exorcism is expelling demons. Deliverance is the process leading to an exorcism. Inner healing is neither an exorcism nor a complete deliverance. It’s part of the package of total spiritual freedom. But it’s only a step in the journey, not the destination. Blessings to all who have brought hope through various inner healing ministries. Now, these well-intentioned ministers of God’s grace need to move to the next level and do what Jesus told his followers to do. Don’t assume that demons will leave on their own. Force the issue of spiritual bondage. Be bold. Make evil spirits leave in the name of Jesus by requiring objective manifestations and verbal interrogation, when necessary. At the International School of Exorcism, we’ll teach you how and give you the tools to truly deliver those bound by demons.

An encouraging word: STAY ON THE PATH
David declared that his “feet have not slipped” because he held to the path of the Lord (Psalm 17:5). I don’t know about you, but there are times my feet have slipped. And it was because I wasn’t on the Lord’s path. That path isn’t always easy. Sometimes it’s downright hard. But don’t lose your spiritual traction. Keep your feet steady. So long as you’re on His path, you may stumble, but you won’t fall to perdition. Trust in the Lord will keep you from being overwhelmed with despair. But wander off his path, and you’re on a slippery slope to destruction.
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