
Irish Exorcists


A recent news article says it all with the headline: Growing demand for exorcist priests in Ireland: Specially trained priests now available to cast out spirits. The admission that exorcism priests are in need and being trained is the good news; the bad news is that the photo above is not an abstract, artsy view of the clergy. This picture is purposeful to hide the identity of the priests doing exorcisms. Exorcism is still deemed by the Church to be something kept clandestine and out of public view. The report accompanying this photo says that “At least three practicing clergymen have been taught how to perform the ancient ritual on people who believe they have been possessed by demonic spirits.” Three? That’s not exactly a cause for celebration in a Catholic nation of nearly five million people. Our average DWJD (Do What Jesus Did) deliverance team (we have 600 worldwide and 100 in North America) certainly has more than three people able to cast out demons. I’m not making light of this positive step forward by Catholics in Ireland, but the desperate need for those trained should be more like 300 priests.

That’s why our International School of Exorcism was started, to raise up an army of spiritually educated individuals who have learned the crucial elements of confronting evil spirits. Training Christians in spiritual warfare is crucial to the survival of Christianity in the face of growing political and cultural hostility. Our instruction isn’t just about casting out demons. It’s also focused on preparing ordinary lay people to help friends and family members who are bound by spiritual oppression. Everyone reading this knows someone, in or out of your immediate bloodline, who needs deliverance. The signs are there: addictions which can’t be overcome by rehab alone; abusive and self-destructive behavior which repeats itself generation after generation; sickness, disease and death stalking far more family members than statistical averages would explain away.

If you’re not enrolled in our School of Exorcism, a Bible College of Spiritual Warfare, call today for details regarding our new, temporary scholarship program. You’ll be amazed at how affordable enrollment can be. Exorcism and deliverance are not difficult. I’ve spent decades learning it the hard way, without anyone to mentor me, so I can now teach you how easy it is to set free those you love. The Lord has given us the command; He has given us the power in His name. This is something everyone can do and should do. If you doubt that, call today 303-980-1511 and speak to one of our enrollment specialists today. Let’s stop hiding the face of exorcism and bring it into the open and shame Satan into retreat.


You are a part of helping those in need in Northern Ireland! Donna Varno, of Freedom Keepers (our “Do What Jesus Did” team in Nashville, TN), recently traveled to Belfast to spend eight days ministering to survivors and victims of the institutional abuse that happened in children’s homes across Ireland. What stood out the most in meeting with the survivors is that the majority were not aware that they could find an end to the torment that they have suffered for decades.  As the truth of deliverance becomes more well known, there will be a greater need for trained exorcists in that area. (Even though Donna has been ministering deliverance for 12 years, she is enrolled in the inaugural year of the International School of Exorcism in order to become as proficient as her mentor, Rev. Bob Larson.)  For more more on what the Lord is doing in Nashville through DWJD in Nashville, see http://freedomkeepers.net

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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