Before I get to the point of this blog concerning abortion as a possible demonic doorway, I want to make a point that should be obvious. In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s overturn of the Roe v. Wade abortion ruling, the incendiary language and actions of abortion supporters has been alarming. A man intent on murdering Brett Kavanaugh was apprehended outside the Justice’s home. What also caught my attention was the persistent use of the F-word. The mayor of Chicago used it in reference to Justice Clarence Thomas. Pink used the F-expletive repeatedly in concert as did many other pop stars. Here’s what is ironic.
The sexual act which this vile F-verb refers to is the reason most pro-abortion advocates are upset. Most abortions are sought as a form of post-coital birth control because of fornication. The Guttmacher Institute, not exactly a conservative Christian organization, states that 74% of women seek an abortion because having a child would interfere with THEIR education, THEIR work, or THEIR ability to care for a child. In other words, what drives the decision for most abortions is unwillingness to control lustful passions, not extenuating health issues.
There is not enough space in this short blog to consider the nuances of abortion law and decisions regarding circumstances such as rape or incest. Neither will we address at what point an abortion should not be considered, whether after a certain time such as the first trimester. Sadly, some lawmakers and politicians refuse to condemn so-called partial-birth abortions. (That is a situation where the unborn child can viably survive outside the womb but instead is cruelly dismembered.) Some political leaders actually declare that a woman has the right determine whether a baby should live AFTER delivery, if the mother finds the newborn unacceptable for any reason.
As an exorcist I deal every day with demons. Whether an individual has had an abortion is often a crucial issue pertaining to deliverance. Demons argue that life begins at conception and termination of that life at any point constitutes a right of demonic entry to the mother. Most woman who come to me for deliverance have repented of their abortion. But they still must face the issue of cancelling potential curses of murder and death. This process is separate from forgiveness for what has been done. In addition, I have discovered that an individual’s life can be cursed because their parents considered an abortion but didn’t go through with it. That consideration by itself brings a curse to the unborn child which can lead to spiritual misery after birth.
Demons know when life begins—at conception. Any abortion considered or attempted beyond that gives demons the potential right to torment the mother. This is an issue explained in our International School of Exorcism. We point out that parental authority plays an important role in the life of a child, born or unborn. A parent speaks for their child from conception until the age of legal consent.
Certainly, coming to faith in Christ will mitigate what the devil can do to someone who has had an abortion. But salvation won’t necessarily terminate the entire curse of death until it is specifically broken. As Jeremiah 1:5 declares of the prophet, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you.” This is also true of every person born of women. Each of us is a God-ordained being infused with the breath of life at conception. We are not the product of an evolutionary process. Every human being is created by God and has the breath of life from the moment sperm meets egg.
Scripture teaches this and demons know it, no matter what Taylor Swift or Pink may think and no matter what any political leader legislates. Termination of life from conception onward should be fearfully considered. In the event of a health tragedy, every attempt should be made to save the life of both mother and child if that is possible. James 2:19 reminds us that demons believe and “tremble” at the reality of God’s judgment. So should every person and politician who favors unrestricted abortion, the taking of a human life at any time for any reason!