
Jesus is Enough


“On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” The words of hymnist Edward Mote in 1834 don’t seem to carry much weight today. Neither do the lyrics of contemporary artist Jeremy Camp, “Give me Jesus, You can have all this world, Just give me Jesus.” Today’s gospel seems to be a “Jesus Plus” salvation. Jesus plus yoga; Jesus plus Quigong; Jesus plus Tai Chi; Jesus plus reiki; Jesus plus enneagrams (to read my blog “Beware the Enneagram” July 16, 2018, CLICK HERE.)  

The denial of deliverance is at the core of this dilemma. People in the pew are suffering. Many are under attack from pornography, drug addiction, and alcoholism. Marriages are falling apart. Sexual dysphoria is rampant. And the answer of too many preachers is, you’ll be all right if you just, “Confess this,” or “Prophesy that,” or “Attend this Conference.” But these answers don’t work if you have demons. Positively confess all you want, but if you have demons they aren’t leaving. Follow the prophecies of the latest and greatest seer to come along, but if you’re living under a curse, nothing really going to change much. Do Holy Yoga, but downward-dog won’t make Jezebel go. Balance your energies, but Leviathan isn’t leaving. Match all nine characteristic of your occult, astrology-based enneagram numbers and you’ll still live in torment. You can do any of these latest evangelical fads and your life will still spiral downward UNLESS YOU GET AN EXORCISM.  

Christians need to stop assuaging their demons, appeasing their evil spirits, and placating their curses. Real demons don’t leave unless there is real deliverance. I’m not talking about politically correct soaking prayers or demonic expulsions without manifestations. Frankly, I don’t know which is worse, those who don’t believe in deliverance or those who say they do and practice a wimpy, watered-down version that offends no one and accomplishes nothing.  

Away with all the gimmicks and syncretism of adopting the devil’s devices, like yoga, in a pseudo-sanctified setting. We don’t need any more of this Jesus Junk. Just give me Jesus, Jesus is enough! 

An encouraging word: GOD IS JUST

“Does God pervert justice?” So said Bildad the Shuhite (one of “Job’s comforters”) with a rhetorical flourish (Job 8:3). Of course not. God is just, but when His justice is not enacted forcefully and quickly, evil flourishes. Today it seems that the balance of justice all too often tips in favor of criminal rights, rather than public good. But all who do evil will someday answer to the Supreme Magistrate, the Lord himself. Be sure that you act justly, because the Lord judges righteousness by the measure of his Son, Jesus Christ. And only His grace will stay the hand of condemnation for what we all deserve for our unrighteousness.  

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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