The National Space Aeronautics Administration (NASA) wants to send Jezebel to the moon. Even though we’ve already been there, NASA is seeking up to $30 billion taxpayers’ dollars to go back; but this time, the stated purpose is to land a woman on the moon by 2024. In the name of political correctness and gender equality, the government will send a female (perhaps trans-gendered to be REALLY be politically on target) to a place we haven’t been to in 50 years and have precious little to show for it except a few rocks and some great photos of planet Earth. I’m not opposed in principle to space exploration, but this project is named the Artemis Program, after the Greek fertility goddess, daughter of Zeus and twin sister of Apollo, known as Diana to the Romans. Those who have read my book “Jezebel” know that this demon deity is yet another prototype of the Lilith/Jezebel spirit, the dominant demon of our time. My book “Jezebel,” in chapter two, lists others of this Jezebel genre: Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Aphrodite, Isis, etc. She was also known as Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft.
In ancient times, Artemis represented the hunt, the wilderness, animals, and worship of the Moon. She was believed to brings diseases upon women and then take it away. It was the worship of Artemis in Ephesus that nearly resulted in the death of the apostle Paul (Acts chapter 19). While in Ephesus, Paul confronted the demonic forces of Diana/Artemis worship. Acts 19:12 tells us he performed exorcisms, even in absentia by anointed handkerchiefs, “and the evil spirits went out of them.” The converted and delivered citizens of Ephesus had a huge bonfire to destroy all their occult paraphernalia. This angered the idol-makers, including a silversmith named Demetrius. A riot ensued and two of Paul’s companions, Gaius and Aristarchus were seized and Paul might have been killed had not friends rescued him. I’ve been to the ancient site of Ephesus, now near Izmir, Turkey. In the nearby museum where millennia-old statues of Artemis abound, this demon god is most often depicted in her sexual mode, more than a dozen pendulant breasts hanging from her chest to emphasize her eroticism.
The demon Artemis is opposed to Christianity. To spend tens of billions of dollars for a socially-engineered goal of gender equanimity is a waste of money and an affront to God. Satisfying political correctness by this spiritual affront will bring yet another curse on our country. We may or may not get a woman to the moon, but the moral trajectory of this idolatrous action will open up our culture to increased demonic attacks.
An encouraging word: QUIETNESS
We live in a restless world. Try to walk down a busy street without running into someone texting, not looking. Bruce Springsteen’s lament in 1992 about “57 Channels (And Nothin’ On”) seems quaint more than 20 years later with hundreds of channels at our disposal. (And still “Nothin’ on.) Try prying an X-Box or Play Station away from a Grand Theft Auto playing teen. We’ve forgotten the Scriptural admonition that “in quietness and trust is your strength” (Isaiah 30:15). Just once today, slow down, get alone, get quiet and get with God. It will do wonders for your soul.
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