
Jimmy Page’s Stairway to Hell


Jimmy Page, founder-guitarist, mastermind and musical inspiration of the 70’s super-band Led Zeppelin, recently appeared at an Oxford University Union forum. (Oxford is one of the world’s most respected educational institutions.)  Page is no academic. He’s simply one of the most accomplished guitarists of all time. I watched his entire speech plus Q & A. It was a trip down rock memory lane, and I guess there was some value in his discourse as a rock legend. His song “Stairway to Heaven” is the most popular, most played rock song of all time. But it was Page’s remarks about the Golden Dawn cult that caught my attention.

When a student asked Page about his interest in the Golden Dawn, Page replied, “I was very interested in eastern and western mysticism. I spent time reading and researching when I was younger. Some very eminent characters were in the Golden Dawn, and I found it very interesting to see the history of those who had been in it. And this esoteric movement . . . the mystical and magical was very beautiful.”

Really? In my book “Larson’s Book of World Religions” you can read about the Golden Dawn. The Dawn is demonic, and Page’s comments were disingenuous. The Golden Dawn was founded by famed Satanist Aleister Crowley, a man so evil he tattooed 666 on his forehead and called himself “the Beast.” He eventually renamed himself Baphomet. He was expelled from Italy due to charges of infant sacrifice. Crowley coined the saying which has become the motto of Satanists today: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”

Page wasn’t alone adoring Crowley. The Beatles on Sergeant Pepper’s quoted Crowley and had his picture included in that album. Ozzy Osbourne wrote and dedicated a song to Crowley. Jimmy Page revered Crowley so much that he eventually purchased Crowley’s Scottish haunted house. Crowley’s stated aim of the Dawn was to destroy Christianity. Sadly, followers of Crowley are still active in various satanic cults. Jimmy Page needs to turn to Jesus Christ and repent of his embrace of Crowley and the Golden Dawn. If he doesn’t, his Stairway to Heaven will be the highway to hell.

An Encouraging Word


The Bible describes David as a “man after His [the Lord’s] own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14). But how can that be? David murdered and committed adultery. Perhaps David’s heart was like God’s heart because he wanted to feel what God felt. So often we want the Lord to understand our hurts and anguish. But what about how God feels toward us? Is He grieved at our actions? Is he pained by our waywardness? If you want your heart to be like God’s heart then think, for a moment, about how God feels about you.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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