*BEACHHEAD DEFINITION: The first objective of a military force landing on an
enemy shore; a foothold that can be used for further advancement.

Left to right, Big Ben, Queen’s guard, Westminster Abbey.
Photos by Bob Larson during 2017 Mission to Europe.
Eight years ago we first established a spiritual beachhead at the largest Bible College in Ukraine. Since then we have trained more than 11,000 pastors to minister deliverance.
Now God is calling us to establish a BEACHHEAD IN BRITAIN, because London is the . . .
- Leading financial center of the world.
- Most influential city in the world according to Forbes.
- City with the second-best airline connections in the world.
Reach London and we reach the world. Immigrant populations there are spiritually alive. London’s immigrant population is more than 40%. We’ve already established connections with the African and Bulgarian communities for our BEACHHEAD IN BRITAIN.
Full-day deliverance training seminars and encounters are scheduled Aug. 30-Sep. 2. That’s just 6 weeks away. Time is running out to make all the arrangements.
We need at least 10 people to share a gift of $1,000, another 10 to share $500, and many others to quickly give $100 or more. Pray and do your best gift, as God leads.
With a BEACHHEAD IN BRITAIN we’ll train a generation of Warriors for Christ.
Give where your gift will make a lasting
difference to millions around the world!
To enroll in our International School of Exorcism® CLICK HERE
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