
Keys to Demonic Detection


Want to know if someone you care about has a demon? Are you concerned that you might have a demon? Don’t take your cues from Hollywood and look for spinning heads and levitation. Not everyone with a demon goes into screaming rages, foams at the mouth, speaks in strange languages, or becomes violent. In fact, the majority of demon possessed people act normal most of the time. Behavior that you might suspect is demonic may last only for a few minutes or seconds. The rest of the time, the demons are submerged doing their evil in stealth, waiting for an opportunity to deliver a lethal, spiritual blow.

So, how doyou know if you are demonized? For starters, go to www.demontest.org and take our free computerized analysis of whether you might have a demon. This will give you quick insights into previously undetected demonic dangers you might face in the future. If your score is high, immediately go online to www.boblarson.org and schedule an in-person or virtual encounter. When you do, here’s what you’ll discover as we’re face-to-face, in the flesh or on the screen.

After more than four decades of deliverance/exorcism ministry, I’ve learned to determine with reasonable accuracy if a person has a demon within the first 10-15 minutes of speaking with them. Most people that I detect have demons have already had some deliverance and were told that they didn’t have demons or that they could be delivered by healing prayers without interrogative commands to demons. In other words, even if demons were suspected they weren’t confronted and made to verbally and physically manifest.

How can I be so certain that someone has a demon? Here are a few key indicators. The more of these markers in a person’s life, the greater the chance of demonization. I look for a combination of at least two or more of these factors: illegitimate conception; a dysfunctional or abusive home life; ancestral history of drug abuse, violence, or occultism; personal involvement in New Age spiritualism; sexual abuse; drug addiction; loss of time; patterns of broken relationships; erratic behavior inconsistent with their normalized faith position; unreasonable amounts of chronic diseases; uncontrollable, episodic anger outbursts. No single factor itself indicates demonic possession, but if several of these negative indicators occur repeatedly, I

likely determine a demon is present. Assisting this process is the operation of spiritual gifts including “discerning of spirits” and words of “knowledge” and “wisdom” (First Corinthians 12: 8-10). This combination isn’t perfect, but it is spot on most of the time.

My book “Dealing with Demons” gives more insights into the forensic procedures I use to detect demons. Our International School of Exorcism and Advanced Academy of Deliverance teaches how to operate in these realms of information and revelation. There is no need for anyone who is demonized to continue suffering in bondage to Satan. Detecting the presence of demons is possible on both a practical and supernatural basis. Begin your road to freedom today by contacting our ministry to start the deliverance process. Your demons can be detected, and they can be cast out through the power of Jesus Christ.

An Encouraging Word


Have you ever felt like David in Psalm 7:1? “O Lord My God . . . save and deliver me from all who pursue me, or they will tear me like a lion and rip me to pieces.” I have had enemies that wanted to shred me. In the world of social media today, anything can be said about anyone with impunity. And those lies quickly spread worldwide. Even without Twitter and Facebook, David knew that he needed God’s deliverance and vindication. If you are under attack, you can try to fight fire with fire or turn to the Lord. Rather than “out-tweet” your enemies, release it to God and let him save you from the lions who want to rip you.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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