
Legalized Threesomes


COVID-19 has brought us a lot of things: mandatory face masks, stay-in-place sheltering, closed churches, and record unemployment; and now, with coronavirus as a justification, legal domestic partnerships with sexual couplings of three or more. A week ago, the city of Somerville, Massachusetts, became the first city in America to legalize polyamorous relationships. Polyamory is engaging simultaneously in multiple forms of sexual relationships of any gender with mutual consent of all involved. (In contrast, polygamy is almost always exclusively heterosexual.) The logic of the city council was that polyamorous individuals should have the right to visit non-marital sexual partners who might be sick with coronavirus in the hospital.

And what’s next? If polyamory, why not polygamy and incest? In fact, the mostly Mormon state of Utah just recently lowered the punishment for polygamy from the status of a felony punishable by a prison term to an infraction the equivalent of a traffic ticket. The Mormon church made so-called “plural marriages” part of church doctrine in 1852. In 1890 the practice was officially abandoned as a requirement for attaining statehood. Today, the LDS has come full circle.

For millennia, marriage has been viewed as the spiritual and civil bonding of a man and woman. On June 26, 2015, with the encouragement of President Barak Obama, the Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision legalized gay marriage. On June 15, 2020, this same court in a 6-3 decision expanded rights to those of self-identified genders, a decision sure to upend locker rooms, bathrooms, and the use of pronouns. Is polyamory next? By the logic of the Supreme court, why should any sexual coupling for any reason fail to have full legal status? Are gay rights activists willing to oppose incest and polyamory? Where on this slippery slope should any anchor be placed?

All the issues related to these matters are too complicated to dissect in a short blog, but I must point out that polygamy is a form of incest. The women in such arrangements are known as “sister-wives.” In many cases involving fundamentalist Mormon groups, polygamous brides are well below the legal age of consent. Combining them into one sisterhood is a form of incest. Polyamory is also a variant of incest, especially if legally sanctioned. As an exorcist, I can tell you from experience that incest demons are some of the nastiest, most powerful evil spirits in the kingdom of darkness. If the legalization of threesomes, foursomes, and who knows how many more “somes” are recognized legally, that will be a fatal spiritual blow to America. Jesus warned in Matthew 24:37 that the End Times would be like the days of Noah. We have arrived at that point, and the city council of Somerville, Massachusetts is the canary in the moral coal mine of the apocalypse.  

An Encouraging Word


At times we’ve all been envious of those with more. The man with the yacht, the penthouse, or the Lamborghini. We look at the person with a limitless bank account and wish we had the same. Some folks get their gain legitimately, but some gains are ill-gotten. Psalm 1:4-5 reminds us not be envious because those with illegitimate riches are like “chaff that the wind blows away . . . they will not stand in the judgment.” All they have will eventually evaporate with one gust of God’s righteousness. Make certain that what you acquire is honest gain that won’t be eternally blown away.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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