
Lilith, Abortion, & Biden


If you aren’t familiar with the evil spirit Lilith check out our YouTube exorcism channel. My book Jezebel describes Lilith as Jezebel on steroids. In occult, kabbalistic Judaism, Lilith is believed to be the true wife of Adam. Myth has it that Eve sexually seduced Adam to supplant Lilith, who was the intended mother of humanity. Satanists believe that Lilith must be restored to her rightful position, just as they believe Lucifer was unjustly ejected from heaven and must be restored to his throne through devil worship.

During my personal, virtual encounters, Lilith is one of the most powerful demons I deal with. Confrontations with this evil spirit are increasing in numbers and intensity. This blog was prompted by my dealing with Lilith every day this past week. Why has Lilith so suddenly risen to a position of prominence in our culture? Look no further than the recent presidential election.

For the last four years, American has had the most pro-life President in history. All that is about to undergo a seismic change. The following is taken form the official 2020 Democratic Party Platform: Democrats believe every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion. We oppose and will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers to women’s reproductive health and rights, including by repealing the Hyde Amendment and protecting and codifying the right to reproductive freedom.

Interpretation: The coming Biden administration supports abortion on demand, for any reason, any time up to birth, paid for by taxpayers. The Hyde amendment has restricted use of federal funds to pay for abortion. That could be overturned quickly. The phrase “codifying the right to reproductive freedom” means that a Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision isn’t enough for Democrat leaders. They want to legislate abortion as the law of the land, federally funded.

Eighty-one million Americans voted for Biden. They wanted a king (1 Samuel 8:6) and they got one. Read about what happened to Israel after that in verses 11-18. It didn’t turn out so good.

Joe Biden was raised with a Catholic ethic regarding sanctity of life. Pray that God will change his heart to oppose this portion of his party’s platform. In the meantime, every pro-life person, Republican and Democrat, must stand up for life. Abortion is the sacrifice of the innocent to the demon-god Moloch who receives the blood of innocents on behalf of Lilith. Only aggressive spiritual warfare will back Lilith down.

An Encouraging Word


Psalm 3:6 declares, “I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around.” That is an extraordinary statement of faith. As someone has observed, there is a danger in letting your perspective become your reality. It’s like an airplane pilot in a fog going by sight and not by his instruments. I have been an airline passenger in such weather and marveled at how the pilots discipline themselves to ignore what they see outside the window. That’s the way to avoid fearing what’s around you. Keep your eyes on the instrument panel of God’s Word, such as Psalm 3:6.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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