
Machine Gun Kelly needs an Exorcism!


Let me introduce you to rock star Machine Gun Kelly, real name Colson Baker. He’s a popular rapper, musician, and actor with nine million followers on Instagram. He has an illegitimate daughter born in 2009. He openly brags about using marijuana and tells his youthful fans he smokes it daily, describing it as his “source of happiness.” He has also struggled with heroin, cocaine, Adderall, and alcohol. He claims to be a political anarchist. He is noted now for his relationship with actress Megan Fox, who constantly appears in photo-ops with him, blatantly baring her sexual attributes in the most lustful way possible. He has picked fights, in music and onstage, with other artists including Eminem and the highly demonic, metal band Slipknot. His entire body is tattooed except for his face. The symbol for anarchy is just above his belly button. One of his albums was called “Hotel Diablo.” His stage name comes from a notorious gangster in the early 20th Century who ran booze during prohibition. Kelly robbed and kidnapped, using his favorite weapon, a machine gun.

Why bring MGK up now? Because at 32-years-of-age he has been publicly reunited with his mother who abandoned him at the age of nine. He broke the news online featuring a photo of him next to his mother, she giving the V-victory sign. He is smiling at the camera with both hands extended giving the middle finger. In one of his rap songs he referred to his mother with these lyrics: “How’d you leave your child at nine for another dude?” In the song “Burning Memories” he said, “I took acid (LSD) just to burn all my memories of you. All the years you ignored me, left me sleepless in the bed. I hope he got some kids because your only son is dead.” Kelly admits he contemplated suicide.

How can I be certain Kelly has demons? Here are four reasons:

#1- MGK’s parents were missionaries who traveled the world spreading the gospel. He tagged along as a child. But when he was nine, his mother left the family for another man. His dad fell into depression, so Kelly went to live with an aunt. The hypocrisy of his overly strict, religious parents impacted him. We don’t know why his mother committed adultery, but the facts can’t be good. This is where Kelly’s rebellion stemmed from. Being in Christian ministry and living a double life was an opening for demons. He became embittered against God, and who can blame him. But demons don’t care about the facts, they only take advantage of the situation. He was an innocent child, and his parents opened the door to the devil.

#2-His highly celebrated sexual escapades with various woman, including fathering an illegitimate child, opened more doors to demons. We’ll not get into the story of his latest love, Megan Fox, but her lustful displays say it all. He is engaged to Jezebel. She says of the relationship, “Instead of a soul mate, I have a twin flame where a soul has ascended into a high enough level that it can be split into two different bodies at the same time. So, we’re actually two halves of the same soul.” That is witchcraft.

#3-His consistent foul language, spirit of rebellion, and defiance of decency may be a good career move in today’s culture, but it is also an open door for demons. Perhaps he thinks he is entitled to rage against his parents in life and lyrics, but it’s clear Satan has used it for advantage. Kelly said it himself on his EP entitled Binge, saying, ‘I’m still dealing with some demons that ain’t really there, grew up a screw up, pierced my ear and dyed my f**king hair.”

#4-His drug use alone has given Satan hundreds of opportunities for entry. Followers of this blog and our International School of Exorcism understand how demonic possession occurs. MGK is a public prize for the devil, and Satan wouldn’t have passed up the opportunity, especially with a diet of weed every day. Even though Machine Gun Kelly suffered through a tragic early childhood that was not of his choosing, his embrace of evil now holds him fully accountable. Yet there is hope for him, as for any sinner. Sadly, the successful trajectory he seems to be on now is blinding him to truth. Satan has this young man where he wants him, but so did he Saul who became Paul. If Kelly is willing to make serious life changes and get an exorcism, I’m ready, confidentially, off-the-grid, and without obligation. That’s a better deal than Jezebel can offer him. Jesus said in Luke 12:15, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses” (NKJV). As the New Living Translation puts it, “Beware! Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own.” Fame, as they say, is fleeting. Hell is hot and eternal.

An Encouraging Word


Few sins are as evil as pride. “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall,” Proverbs 16:18 says. Pride makes one think he is better than others; more powerful, better looking, more intelligent. The worst pride is that of the atheist or intellectual who thinks he knows more than God. Yet, with all their pride, James tell us that the demons believe in God and tremble. In fact, Satan’s sin was that he believed God existed and wanted to be above God. (The devil was in Heaven with God in the beginning.) But pride sent Satan to Hell. Don’t let pride send you there too.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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