Friday, Oct 24, 2014
This week has seen a flurry of news articles and YouTube videos about the long-kept secret of Mormon undergarments. It seems that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is finally going on the offense and coming out of the clothes-closet. Speculation about what these underwear garments really signify became a PR problem that the Mormon Church could no longer ignore. So they finally decided it was best to take it all off and tell all. At least that is the impression they want to give, but as usual their spin campaign isn’t telling the whole truth. Mormon web sites will admit that after their temple endowment they are required to wear such garments as sign of their devotion, but they leave out some glaring omission.
Originally the garments were connected to Freemasonry and had Lodge symbols. (They still do on the navel and the nipples, facsimiles of the Freemason square and compass.) This clothing was originally to be a reminder of their secret oaths regarding polygamy. Over time, tall tales and legends surrounding the protective quality of these garments led to their having a magical quality. Devout Mormon still never let the garment leave the body. Even when changing to a clean one they most always have a part of the original one touching some part of their body. And, yes, the most devout won’t even have sex without some part of their body at least partially covered, such as an arm through a sleeve. When taking a bath they keep one arm or leg outside the tub, covered by the magic underwear.
Want to know more? Check out a web site where I’m interviewed by John Safran, the Australian TV personality on whom I did a much publicized exorcism. John caught me with cameras while I was chomping down breakfast one day some years ago. It’s good for information, and especially good for a laugh:
An encouraging word: SECRET CEREMONIES “In secret have I said nothing.” Those words of Christ in John 18:20 underscore the fallacy of societies and religious cults who have ceremonies not open to outsiders. This ploy of secret, esoteric information or ritualism goes back to the Gnostics, whose first century heresies were countered by Paul in his letter to the Colossians. What purpose do clandestine pacts in private serve? It lends an aura of mystery, but it also can bind people to oaths that may even be bloody, as in Freemasonry. If any sect you are involved in practices ceremonies that outsider aren’t allowed to see, you need to question such secrecy. If you are required to say things which you’re forbidden to speak outside of the sect, you’re on a dangerous path. Our faith in Christ should be an open book for all to see.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online. |