A week ago, thousands of youth marched on Washington D. C. to promote an anti-gun message. What a farce! If you’re expecting kinder words for kids in some supposed moment of bravery and altruism, stop reading now. Of course, what the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida endured was traumatic and life-defining. But one can lament that awful occurrence without being supportive of a movement that quickly morphed from tragedy to political theater. As thousands jammed the streets of cities across America, it was a moment that socialist financier George Soros could love. Anyone with an ounce of political acumen could see that the gathering throng of thousands wasn’t totally a protest about killing but an often-orchestrated agenda defiant of the Second Amendment and devoid of any spiritual core. I too want to stop this insane slaughter of our young in the classrooms of our schools. But the choice isn’t between the NRA and an anti-gun picket sign. The choice our children face is between a godless America that fosters carnage such as Parkland versus a God-conscious country that extolls faith and honor above violent video games, Planned Parenthood, and irreverent athletes. I’m sure that many who marched were sincere and looking for a way to purge their pain. But without a spiritual faith, they risk carrying with them emotional scars for a very long time. Perhaps the rest of their lives. No march or sloganeering is cathartic enough to change that. Here are two simple suggestions that could make a difference: Establish mandatory, yearly classes on functional family life. Students who come from homes where parents are drug abusers, alcoholics or indulge in domestic violence are sometimes not aware that such behavior isn’t normal. Sadly, youth raised in such circumstances may have no outside reference point to realize how dysfunctional their family is. Provide an optional, spiritual time of reflection during each school day. I realize this is a multicultural minefield of possible contention, but offering this step in the right direction is better than ignoring spirituality in education. Hospitals have chapels. So do airports. Yet we’ve made our schools a religion-free zone, but it’s faith that’s the greatest inhibitor of irrational, violent actions. America isn’t likely to return quickly to faith in God the way it was five or six decades ago, but any nudge in the right direction will produce results. The best solution would be to arm some teachers with guns and ALL teachers with Bibles. And along with school counselors, how about an in-house exorcist? That’s a sure way to stop the bullets. |
An encouraging word: GOD HAS A PLAN I spend most of my ministry waging spiritual warfare. I’m constantly amazed at the complexity of Satan’s plans to destroy even one individual. In some cases, the intricacies of evil have plotted for hundreds of years to destroy one single soul. You must never underestimate the lengths to which evil will go to ruin your life. Knowing this helps me to better understand how much more God has amazing purposes for every person. “I know the plans I have for you, plans to give you hope and a future,” says Jeremiah 29:11. Be encouraged. Whatever Evil intends for you, God plans much more. Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online |
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