
Meghan Markle Madness


Over 50 million people have watched the Oprah/Prince Harry/Meghan Markle interview. Oprah, already a billionaire, was paid nearly $8 million for this celebrity confessional. Markle, lives in a $15 million home with a luxurious lifestyle and an unlimited supply of money for a lifetime. Yet there she was whining about how badly she’s been treated. Forgive me if I sound cynical about the obviously contrived pathos. To make matters worse, Meghan’s mock misery of playing the race card (that the Windsor family rejected her mixed-race child) without any challenge from Oprah appeared sadly disingenuous. Who in the Royal family exhibited supposed racism, when they did it, and in what context may never be known. Never mind, Oprah and friends scored in the ratings.

Spiritually, what’s behind all of this? First, the Queen of England is the Supreme Governor of the Church of England and is also called the “Defender of the Faith.” During her Coronation ceremony in 1953, she knelt and swore on a Bible to “maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel.” When Markle publicly married Prince Harry, she vowed “in the presence of God” and “within the love of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” But now Markle says, that ceremony was a sham. A production for the public. They really married three days earlier in a separate ceremony with only the Archbishop of Canterbury present. So, which vows are valid? I’m not trying to defend the British monarchy, but vows matter, and what a person says plus when and where they say it can open or close doors to demons.

Markle’s parents were not married in a church but in the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) temple in Los Angles. The ceremony was presided over by a Buddhist priest. The SRF, founded by Hindu guru Paramahansa Yogananda, was the first major Hindu religious sect to take hold in America in the early 20th century. Yogananda taught “cosmic consciousness” by means of Kriya Yoga. I have cast demons out of people who’ve practiced Kriya Yoga. It is one of the most demonized forms of yoga. It focuses on raising the serpent Kundalini power through six spinal chakras to achieve “god-communion.” Meghan’s mom is a devout yoga teacher. Meghan is also devoted to the practice. Perhaps the Royal Family would be better off burnings bridges then trying to mend them after the Oprah fiasco. Officially Queen Elizabeth is on a mission from God, and she might be better off with Jezebel half a world away.

An Encouraging Word


What would the devil do to you if he had the chance? What if the grace of God, and His guardian angels, were withdrawn for but a moment? Have you ever considered what evil the powers of darkness would bring upon you? Perhaps knowing how risky our daily life can be is the reason the Psalmist (5:3) declared, “In the morning, O Lord . . . I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.” As I wrote these words, this morning, I paused to pray and do exactly what this verse suggests. Why don’t you do the same?

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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