
Mid-Life Murder

They had it all. Money. Worldwide recognition. Promising careers. But each ended life early, in mid-life. Fashion Designer Kate Spade, suicide at 55; Robin Williams, comedian, suicide at 63; Anthony Bourdain, TV Star Chef, suicide at 61. Fame and fortune wasn’t enough. All hung themselves. The reasons were unclear. Mental illness? Depression? Alcohol and drug abuse? Kate Spade struggled with a failing marriage. Williams’ wife said he suffered from a brain disorder. Bourdain had previously battled cocaine and heroin addiction.
Whatever the specific reason for suicide, there is an alarming, larger issue to address. The suicide rate in America is increasing dramatically*:
  • Between years 2000 and 2016, a 60% increase for women ages 45-64.
  • For men during that same period, a 37% increase.
  • Overall suicide rates between years 2000 and 2016 jumped 30%.
*Statistics from “Wall Street Journal,” June 14, 2018, p. A13.
Sociologists and psychologists have offered opinions, ranging from depression and increased stress with life today, to chronic pain and a general decline in health. The five most common factors affecting mid-life self-murder are: deteriorating relationships, job/finances challenges, health, family matters, and criminal or legal problems. But should this be happening at an age when accumulated life-wisdom and personal achievements are at a high point?
What about the devil? Here is my perspective as an exorcist. All the factors mentioned above certainly play a part. But spiritually speaking, here’s what else is happening with the approach of mid-life:
  • Those with a trauma-filled past of abuse, and who developed multiple personalities to cope, often experience, at about this time in life, less ability for internal alters to maintain emotional stability. As the dissociative system unravels, the pain of past trauma rushes to the front and can become psychologically unmanageable without intervention.
  • Generational curses which have been held at bay by the emotional energy of youth can no longer be avoided. The consequences of inherited evil finally catch up and the full effect of ancestral sin pushes the victim toward self-destruction. If there is murder or suicide in the bloodline, the demons behind these curses want to destroy the person before natural death occurs.
Could I, or anyone else in inner healing and deliverance ministry, have saved the lives of Spade, Williams, or Bourdain? I do know this. Through prayer and exorcism, I have personally witnessed hundreds, if not thousands, of lives brought back from the brink of self-murder. If you, or someone you know, is despairing of life get help with breaking curses and deliverance prayers immediately. If you suspect the problem is an ancestral curse of suicide or murder, don’t wait a moment to call our offices at 303-980-1511, especially if you know of a family member who killed themselves. There is freedom from mid-life murder and suicidal compulsions at any time in life.
SPECIAL NOTE: if you are watching or reading this, and you are currently contemplating suicide, stop immediately and call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Or head directly to the emergency ward at your local hospital.
An Encouraging word: LET GOD SORT IT OUT
So much of what passes for Christianity today, especially in America, is embarrassing, unnecessary, and sometimes downright foolish. Odd manifestations are declared to be a display of God’s power. Self-appointed witch-hunters condemn all those who do things differently. Universalists masquerade as evangelicals. It’s enough to make one wary of Christianity in general. Thank God it’s not my job, your job, or anyone’s job to sort it all out. That’s why Jesus said in Matthew 13:29-30 that no one should claim divine appointment to decide ultimately who and what is real and genuine. That is God’s job and he makes no mistakes in his judgments.
Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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