Five days a week, sometimes seven, I minister one-on-one through our Personal Spiritual Encounters. Most find me through our YouTube “Bob Larson Exorcism Channel.” They see the power of God in action, and they want that same miracle for themselves.
Last week, a financially successful professional woman who struggled personally “accidentally” found me on YouTube. She came to the hotel where I was holding Encounters, walked into the busy lobby, and approached a man, asking, “Do you know Bob Larson?” She had no idea that this person, standing in a busy place, was a ministry associate and “just happened” to be there. What are the chances????
Fortunately, I had a last-minute cancelation and squeezed her into my schedule. She came from a Muslim culture that was filled with witchcraft. Despite vocational success, her life was unraveling. Today, this woman is a miracle in motion!
In the words of an Encounter client named Thomas, featured in our Encounter section below, “People don’t expect Jesus to do miracles, but he does.”

Make today your miracle day! Call 303-980-1511 NOW.
For your personal encounter, click here.
For a SKYPE Encounter, click here.
To give your best gift, click here.
To enroll in our School of Exorcism, click here.
To enroll in our Advanced Academy, click here.
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