
Mother’s Day Massacre


Here we go again. Another mass shooting. This time on Mother’s Day. Six people are dead in Colorado Springs, Colorado which was eclipsed by the recent toll of 10 who were killed March 22 in Boulder, Colorado. You may predict that I’m going to blame the devil for what happened. You are right. In John chapter eight Jesus said Satan is a murderer. He was in the beginning and always has been. In my ministry as an exorcist I have encountered many crimes of bloodshed which happened in the extended family of the person I’m ministering to. Some of these deeds of bloodshed, committed by living individuals or recent ancestors, are known by the one receiving ministry. The identity of others is sometimes revealed to us by the bloodline demons.

But this much is certain. No crime of killing is an isolated act. There may be specific reasons why a certain crime occurred, but it is often linked to a chain of evil going back hundred and even thousands of years. In most instances we never know where that link is because the killer commits suicide, as in the most recent Colorado case. When the murderer is captured, they are incarcerated so it’s not possible to determine the bloodline link by an exorcism in prison. Since the law doesn’t take into account the influence of demons there’s no way to document my proposition. But the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming in my exorcism caseload.

There is another way to know that a capital crime is of the devil. They are especially horrific and defy explanation. In this most recent example, the victims were shot at a Mother’s Day celebration – an unthinkable act of evil. All the victims were related. It is suspected the motive was linked to the killing of the shooter’s ex-girlfriend. Only the children present were spared because of their hysterical crying. The immensity of this evil defies comprehensible explanation.

In my career as an exorcist, I have cast out hundreds, perhaps thousands of demons from people planning to commit a crime. In one case, a man had been a victim of incest by his father. As a result, he became enraged. During the man’s exorcism, I cast out the demon of Murder,
which was there because of his hate toward his dad. Afterwards he asked me to follow him to his car. He opened the trunk and pulled out an axe. He told me, “I came here today to seek deliverance from the demons which were tormenting me. If I hadn’t gotten rid of my demons, I was going to leave here and go to my father and kill him with this axe.” The answer to stopping more crimes like those in Colorado is Jesus and setting free those souls who are tormented by thoughts of murder. You can help by becoming an exorcist and enrolling in our School of Exorcism. Learn howe to set people free from the compulsions to kill, so there are no more massacres on Mother’s Day — or any day.  

An Encouraging Word

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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