Our book “Curse Breaking” is so thorough with its explanation of what curses are and how to break them that I don’t wish to repeat what is already available in print. In addition, our International School of Exorcism exhaustively surveys this subject, in perhaps greater depth than has ever been plumbed. What I want to emphasis here is an understanding of how curses can affect so many generations. For those who accept the reality of multi-generational curses, it’s easy to comprehend demons being empowered by a curse of, let’s say, five or 10 or even 50 generations back in time. But sometimes a demon will claim to control curses going back hundreds or even thousands of generations. How is this possible, especially for those who adopt a “young earth” theology? Minus an evolutionary explanation of human history, there isn’t that much time for a 1000-generation curse to extend retroactively in one’s ancestry. How can a curse go back 10 or 20 millennia?
In the courses of our International School of Exorcism we point out that curses can extend trans-generationally, from one generation to the next, chronologically back through time to the point of evil origin. But curses can also extend intra-generationally across inter-connected bloodlines of family members and in-laws by marriage. For example, a curse may historically go back only 10 generations. But within each of those generations, multitudes of related family members may be infected by the curse. The evil of one’s grandparents, as a case in point, may have affected countless aunts, uncles, nieces, nephew, cousins, etc., And each of these individuals may also have been connected by bloodline and marriage to many more curse victims. So, it may be that a single act of evil going back only a handful of generations may have exponentially contaminated scores and hundreds of individuals.
I’ll not take space here to provide a theology of understanding what curses are and how they operate, based on Scripture. Our School of Exorcism adequately provides that theologically-supportive information. What’s important from a practical basis is knowing that an individual’s evil actions can spiritually contaminate both future and current “generations.” A single curse in a one person’s life-span may affect scores, if not hundreds of others. Multiply that regressively by ancestral multiplication and you get a sense of the immensity of Satan’s capacity to infect humanity with sin and suffering. That’s why it is so important to pass on to successive generations, and one’s current sphere of influence, the influence of godly living, as Deuteronomy chapter 28 details. Each of us must choose to break the curses of past generations and pass on to our progeny a legacy of godliness that blesses all our descendants. We must break the power of curses to affect the past, present, and future.
An encouraging word: SURROUNDED BY EVIL
David expressed the way I feel sometimes about those who don’t like me or my ministry. “They have tracked me down, they now surround me with eyes alert to throw me to the ground. They are like a lion hungry for prey . . . “ (Psalm 17:11-12). Doubtless you’ve felt that way a few times yourself, surrounded by enemies who snarl like beasts of prey. But in verse 13 David calls on God to be his defense: “Rise up or Lord, confront them . . . rescue me.” If your life seems encircled by evil, your hope of escape is in Christ. You must trust in Him to be the one to rise up and rescue you.
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