
My Faith Has Taken Off Like A Rocket!

Three months ago Everett was a new college graduate who had spent years exploring occult and New Age teachings. He was obsessed with astrology, Hinduism, Buddhism, Essene teachings, astral projection and Eastern meditation. In his search for answers to life’s meaning, he “stumbled” on our YouTube exorcism channel. Then he scheduled a Personal Spiritual Encounter. 
During that session I explained the demonic dangers of what he was involved with. Before his time was over, he had renounced all his occult exploration. Most important, he prayed a sinner’s prayer and gave his life to Jesus. I’ll never forget this intelligent, handsome, very articulate young man sobbing like a baby as he invited Christ into his heart.
He called this week to update me on his spiritual progress. He started out by saying, “My faith has taken off like a rocket! I’ve led several family members to the Lord, and five of my best friends have accepted Jesus. I’m taking your School of Exorcism and have enrolled online in a major Christian Seminary to study theology. My passion is seeing people saved and delivered.”
What an amazing miracle. Don’t ever forget that it’s your prayers, tithes, and offerings that made Everett’s changed life possible. 
With 23 million YouTube viewers, books, seminars, Encounters, the online School of Exorcism and Advanced Academy of Deliverance, we’re changing the lives of millions worldwide, by God’s grace. 
I can’t thank you enough for being faithful with your prayerful support. 
Thanks for sending your best gift today.

To give your best gift, click here.
For your Personal Encounter, click here.
You can always call 303-980-1511.
To enroll in our School of Exorcism or Advanced Academy click here.

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Picture of Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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