What’s that all about? If you don’t know, Williamson is a New Age guru who writes and speaks about occult spirituality. Her books include “The Law of Divine Compensation,” “Illuminated Prayers,” “The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life,” and “Handbook for the Soul,” in which she teams up with an assortment of New Age self-help teachers such as Ram Das (discussed in LARSON’S BOOK OF WORLD RELIGIONS).
An encouraging word: GOD IS RIGHTEOUS
“The Lord our God is righteous in everything He does,” Daniel 9:14 declares. Yet how often do we mere humans question His design for humanity? “Why does He permit such evil?” we say of wars and natural disasters. “Why doesn’t God just destroy Satan?” some argue, when they probably don’t even believe there is a devil. God gets blamed for a lot – disease, suffering, bloodshed, and even prayers that are assumed to be unanswered; but GOD IS RIGHTEOUS. He can do no wrong. We may not see His purpose or understand His ways, but we dare not conclude that He is somehow off course with his intentions toward mankind.