
Online Witchcraft


In the days before the internet, to participate in witchcraft one had to secretly seek out a coven, possible go sky-clad (nude) in the dark of a forest, light candles at the points of a pentagram, take a sacred sword, an athame, in hand, and summon the elementals of the four directions. Today, witchcraft is only a mouse-click away with thousands of web sites dedicated to the dark arts. But witchcraft online isn’t always so obvious as the procurement of spells for love or money. It can come in the form of pseudo-scientific technology. Take the QU Wave devices.  

I’m focusing on this line of products because a recent Skype Encounter client wore around her neck a black box about the size of a cigarette pack. She’d paid $300 because the distributors of this device had promised, in online ads, that she’d be “free from electronic harassment and pollution, conquer stress, restore proper immunity levels, overcome sleep problems and harness the power of the universe” by generating a “protective cocoon” around her body. The device also promised protection from the attack of psychic witchcraft harassment by infusing her food with chi energy. This woman was a Christian, a devout and sincere woman, but like many believers today, she didn’t understand how cleverly witchcraft is disseminated online. During our Skype session she was delivered from the demons she’d gotten from these occult indulgences. 

To further understand such dangers, here’s a few definitions of terminology used in online witchcraft: 

  • “Solfeggio” refers to resonances which are supposedly the frequencies from which the universe was formed; like the Eastern mystical chant OM. The occult connection is clear. 
  • “Schumann Resonance” is extremely low frequencies in the earth’s electromagnetic field that are triggered by lightening discharges in the atmosphere. At worst one might be affected while walking outdoors in a lightning storm, but who’s dumb enough to do that?
  • “Chi” is the Chinese version of the universal life-energy force; Taoism’s version of god. In Hinduism and yoga this force is known as prana; mana in Polynesian lore; lung in Tibetan Buddhism; manitou to native Americans; vital energy in various New Age sects.

All these terms are ways to described demonic powers operating under the guise of some ethereal force flowing through the universe, often in the form of polarizing opposite, the yin/yang. Those who tap into these powers operate in witchcraft and Shamanism and risk demonic possession. My Skype client was exorcised of the demons associated with such beliefs. Others with no knowledge of spiritual warfare, won’t be so fortunate. Don’t you be a victim of online witchcraft. 

An Encouraging Word


Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6:5). What an approbation. Furthermore, Genesis 6:9 says he was “righteous” and “blameless” and “walked with God.” Noah was all this in the midst of corruption and violence. The next time you hear the news about yet another rape, killing, or act of abuse, think of Noah. As bad as it is now, it was worse then. There were no Christian colleges for Shem, Ham, and Japheth to attend. No Christian TV and radio to entertain and enlighten. No Christian bookstores to feed the soul. Nothing, just evil everywhere. If Noah could be godly in his time, we can certainly serve God with faithfulness in our age.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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