
Pastors Shouldn’t Protest


Some evangelicals are joining public protests. Like Hillsong leaders who’ve endorsed Black Lives Matter. In my opinion these politically correct Christians are being coopted by Antifa anarchists with violent intentions. Can Christians really support slogans like, “No Justice, No Peace,” and “PROPERTY CAN BE REPLACED. GEORGE CAN’T BE.” Those intentions aren’t subtle. The threats are obvious. Do pastors really want to be connected to rioters, looters, and those who want to defund police forces? The injustices of today pale by comparison to the brutality of Rome. But Christ never sent his disciples to march against Caesar. He told them to cast out the demons behind these injustices.

This social gospel has been tried before in the 60s and 70s in Latin America, and preachers led the protests. The results were brutal, communist regimes in places such as Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela. Haven’t we learned anything? Racism is demonic. That knee on the head of George Floyd was demonic. But putting a knee to the ground in support of social anarchy leaves the African American community at greater risk of having their businesses burned and their opportunities for equality lessened. Are you listening Mr. and Mrs. Drew Brees?

Marches and provocative protests won’t heal our land. Genuine, national repentance for the brutality of slavery would be a start. But attention-grabbing displays of bended knees does nothing to drive out the demons of hate. America isn’t a racist nation. We elected an African-American for President. Ours is a good and great nation and prejudiced people are a small minority. Racism won’t change without prayers of deliverance no matter how many march. Pastors who kneel like Colin Kaepernick should stand up with a Bible and confront the real evil behind all animosity. The devil and his demons cause social injustice. I’ve cast out many demons of hate and human servitude from both blacks and whites. The results have led to lasting spiritual change and a color-blind attitude toward race. Instead of protesting, pastors need to stop kneeling and start rebuking — the devil and his demons. Instead of racial warfare, we need spiritual warfare. We need pastors who will pray, not protest!

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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