
People get strange ideas about demons.


People have strange ideas about demons. Usually it’s not their fault. I blame Christian leaders for the lack of information and very bad information. These is so little teaching about spiritual warfare in Christian circles that is allows some awful ideas to circulate. The silence on this topic means that errors are seldom rationally addressed. Even among people who believe in and practice the ministry of deliverance, some odd issues arise. I could write pages on what I’ve encountered, but here are a few misperceptions and misconceptions.

  • If I’m present during a deliverance, one of those demons might jump on me.  No. Demons only enter by spiritual legal right. If you are living for Christ you can’t arbitrarily get a demons, even by being around an exorcism session.
  • Bad things have happened to people who do deliverance. The movie “The Exorcist” helped to further this myth. In the film, the demon only leaves by entering the exorcist who then kills himself. I’ve been credited with doing more documented exorcisms than anyone, and I’m very much alive and doing well.
  • Try to cast out demons and they’ll get even with you.  Who is more powerful, anyway? Two wage spiritual warfare you need to walk in faith. Only if you give in to the intimidation of demons by fear will they be able to strike back with any effectiveness.
  • Don’t cast out demons unless you are thoroughly trained. Of course, that’s preferable. That’s the purpose of our International School of Exorcism®, to train Christian leaders and lay people in the most effective procedures to set the captives free. But even if you don’t yet have all the best knowledge available, do what you can when you encounter evil spirits.  After all, it’s the authority in the name of Jesus that wins the war against Satan.

Join me in battling the disinformation and misinformation by being an informed Believer. Get our latest books such as JEZEBEL, CURSE BREAKING, and DEMON PROOFING PRAYERS. (To order CLICK HERE.) Also enroll in in our International School of Exorcism®, a 30-course curriculum of the most in-depth training available anywhere on all aspect of Inner Healing, Deliverance, and Exorcism. (To enroll CLICK HERE.)

An encouraging word:  GIVE GLORY TO HIS NAME.

Psalm 29:2 tells us to give the Lord the “glory due to His name.” What an inspiring thought. Far too many all around us curse and take His name in vain. When something goes wrong, if a situation is irritating, if some physical or emotional injury happens, God’s name is the first to be uttered in disgust. Doing this, no matter how angry the person may be, brings a curse back on the head of the one who utters such spiritual invectives. The next time you are prone to anger, instead of hurling some vicious vituperation against the Lord, give glory to His name and see how quickly that changes things.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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