
Prince Harry & Meghan, Witchcraft Power Couple?


If ever a couple typified the Jezebel-Ahab complex, it’s Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle. From the start, it appears that Meghan has infected Harry with her controlling spirit to push the Church of England baptized prince more and more into New Age witchcraft. The latest example is the new Silicone Valley business startup they are pushing called BetterUp. Speaking from their $14 million Hollywood mansion, Harry, who has zero experience in business, scolded companies to give employees “time to focus on themselves.” I thought employees were being paid to do a job, not indulge in company sponsored meditation time to think soothing thoughts about self-improvement.

In a speech promoting BetterUp, Harry whined about how his sad life as a Prince in England, and all the “bad stuff” he went through as a member of the Royal Family. He neglected to mention that, because of the monarchy, he is heir to a fortune worth millions of dollars. He revealed that he is now a “life coach” teaching people how to accomplish “inner work,” a New Age psychobabble concept. His pitch to businesses was this: “You can’t expect your people to put in the work on themselves when you’re not giving them time to do it.” Read that as follows: companies should pay people to engage in spiritual development while at work. Obviously, productivity and labor are concepts beyond his understanding. All this from a couple who have a $25 million deal with Spotify and a $150 contract with Netflix!

But Prince Harry’s main punchline was this: “When bad things happen there’s a lesson here, I’m being schooled by the universe [that] there is a something for me to learn.” Are people supposed to take this seriously from a guy who has never been gainfully employed or spent a hard day’s work in his life? No wonder he encouraged people who feel stuck in their jobs that “don’t bring them joy” to quit, that leaving work was a thing “to be celebrated.” He says that for him the path is daily meditation. Tell that to a single mom trying to responsibly hold job to raise and care for a couple kids.

 These ideas are straight from Meghan’s show-biz, New Age, Oprah-influenced, concept of spirituality. And throw in Markle’s mom who has been a fulltime yoga instructor who raised Meghan with a Hindu, Kundalini, New Age outlook on life. Sadly, you can be certain that Harry’s daily meditations aren’t on the Bible or seeking the purpose of Christ for his life.

 It reminds me of the bumper sticker I recently saw: “I trust the Universe.” So, what’s this Universe thing about? Witchcraft. It’s the belief that somewhere out there is a primordial, beneficent power guiding each of us to happiness. Get out of line with bad karma, and the Universe will teach you a lesson to get you back on the path to personal enlightenment. This Universe is a substitute for God, a false reality where there are no rules, no Commandments, no defined moral code. It’s what you feel that matters. Whatever you think your Inner Self is saying must be the voice of the Universe. Biblically speaking, that’s witchcraft. Or as Harry calls it, “Global consciousness.” No Christ, no cross, no empty tomb. Just an ethereal, universal mind, straight of the neopagan playbook of spiritualism, with an empty-your-mind kind of meditation that opens doors to demons.

This spiritual agenda is exactly what Jezebel wants. Don’t buy Harry and Meghan’s gobbledygook, doublespeak New Age ideas of spirituality. Harry didn’t die for your sins, Jesus did. Meghan doesn’t offer you eternal life, only a meal at the trough of warmed-over occultism dressed up with social media marketing. Don’t meditate like Harry to empty your mind for whatever the “Universe” wants to dump into it. Fill your mind with the wonders of the ways and the Word of God. Psalm 97:10 says, “You that love the Lord, hate evil.” That’s the way to a life of true fulfillment on the job and off the job. Resorting to New Age witchcraft ideas is spiritually deadly. As Proverbs 14:2 says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.”

An Encouraging Word


In an age of Ambien, Lunesta, and Zzzquil we’ve taken for granted that a cure for insomnia is a pill away. There are times we all, for various health reasons, may need a little help to fall asleep. But the Bible has the best sleep aid there is: confidence and trust in the Lord. The Psalmist (4:8) said, “I will both lie down in peace and sleep.” How? “You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.” David had more than a little sleeplessness to cope with. He lived in fear of his life, and still he slept like a baby because he turned it all over to the Lord. You’ve got to admit that releasing your fears and pressures to God is a lot better than counting sheep or drugging yourself to sleep.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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