
Reverend OJ?



  Monday, October 21st 2013



IF I DID IT – 2006 Book by O.J. Simpson
O.J. Simpson as he looks today in prison garb.

Poster promoting O.J.’s
TV show.



A report this past week that O. J. Simpson may soon get out of jail and become a television evangelist has to be filed in the “you’ve-gotta-be-kidding” category. The story is apparently legit. According to his manager, the NFL hero turned indicted killer turned memorabilia con man may soon be released from prison to preach the gospel. And not just on any street corner he can find. O.J. plans a TV ministry called “Holy Safari.” Now 66-years-old and serving time for armed robbery and kidnapping, the ex-Hertz pitch man (remember him running through airports?) says the old O.J. is behind him. He’s now on a crusade to save the world. His manager claims they’ve even designed a TV set and poster with O.J.’s arms outstretched in Christ-like fashion. How is this going to play with people who think he got off scot-free from murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ronald Goldman?

O. J.’s brand of religion is apparently ecumenical. He is said to study both the Bible and the Koran. His new show will supposedly feature O.J. traveling the world and interviewing religious leaders, including the Pope (Good luck on that one, O. J.). There are plenty of promoters who think that such a show will work, on the theory that ratings will be no problem. Says his manager, “This man has had everyone taken from him. This is the man that can be the evangelist.” Maybe, but it’s going to take more than an engaging smile to convince me that this man doing time is spiritually ready for prime time. A little humility might be in order with a spot serving on the soup lines of a rescue mission before he goes on camera for Jesus. His conversion may or may not be real, but I plead with the Christian community to give this ex-con some time to prove himself and an opportunity to undergo some serious deliverance.

An encouraging word: HE IS YOUR LORD!
“LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!” David declared in Psalm 8:1. Focus on the word “our.” The Lord God Jehovah, creator of the entire universe, ruler of all thrones and dominions, the I AM is OUR Lord. That’s a pretty big God and a very wonderful relationship.  Your God is not like the Brahma of Hinduism who arose out of a lotus flower or the Buddha of eastern mysticism who had to sit under a bodhi tree to get enlightened. Before anything was, He existed, and He now calls you friend. His name is majestic and he is OUR Lord. He is YOUR Lord.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did� (Luke 4:18).  You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.



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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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