
Roots of Racism


Last week’s blog “Pastors Shouldn’t Protest” caused a furor with some of our readers. They missed my point. I stated that NOW was not the time for clergy to march in the streets. Yes, black and white pastors marched with Martin Luther King, but things were much different then. There were no leftist, Antifa-anarchists in the crowd egging on violence. There were no criminal looters in Selma. To march with Black Lives Matters today often means direct involvement in a mixed multitude, some of whom are genuinely sincere and others who are intent on destroying property and taunting police.

What’s more important than protest signs highlighting a single, tragic incident, is identifying the roots of racism and pulling them up. One root is slavery. In some ways its worst legacy was destruction of the family unit. Slaves were considered less than fully human to be bought and sold as individuals without regard for spouses or children. Slave owners cared little for the familial connections of slaves.  Bonds of love and stability between husbands, wives, and children were disregarded. African American pastors tell me that this curse still haunts fragmented, black families today. That curse of slavery must be broken by all African American Christians.

We must also confront the racist root of white supremacy which comes from Nordic, demonic powers. Hitler based his antisemitism on the occult worship of Nordic gods like Odin and Thor. The curse of these false gods comes from Scandinavian regions, and it’s no coincidence that George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis. Nearly 17% of Minnesotans claim Norwegian heritage. White Aryanism and Nordic witchcraft foment hatred of Jews and those of color. I’ve dealt with many demonic possession cases involving these demons.

Our Advanced Academy of Deliverance explains the Scandinavian curse of Jante which facilitates this diabolical racism. The Jante curse enforces a belief in conformity to the collective norm of the majority, which may include a white plurality. I believe that some blacks in Minneapolis have been victimized by this curse. George Floyd might have been one of them. As Christians we need to look behind the gut-grabbing headlines to understand what’s really going on in spiritual warfare! To heal our land, we must go beyond identity politics and embrace the power of prayer to break ancient curses of hatred for any stigmatized group. If you are of Scandinavian ancestry, break the curse of Jante. (I’m half Norwegian, and I have.) If you are African American, recognize slavery as a social evil but also a demonic curse. Break it. Renounce what was done to your ancestors and its consequences of poverty and despair. Ridding ourselves of such generational evil is the only way to pull up the spiritual roots of racism and cast them into holy fire!

An Encouraging Word


The very first verse of the very first Psalm says, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked . . .” Some think this word “blessed” can also be rendered “happy.” But I think that those who refuse to listen to the plans and purposes of evil men are much more than happy. They are indeed blessed. Happiness is an emotion, but blessedness is a state of being, a moral and spiritual condition that brings peace and favor with God. To refuse the company of the wicked is to be at peace with yourself and your fellow man and to walk in harmony with God. Happiness is a great goal but having the blessing of the Lord is even better.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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