
Roseanne’s Racist Rant


By now the whole universe knows about Roseanne’s racist rant on twitter. It’s caused more consternation than wondering whether Trump and Kim Jong-un are going to avoid nuclear war. Barr tweeted that a former top aide to Obama, Valerie Jarrett (an African American) was a combination of the “Muslim brotherhood and planet of the apes had a baby.” Because her new sitcom was about a pro-Trump, middle-American family, liberals went nuts. ABC-TV immediately canceled the show, even though it was the network’s biggest source of revenue. Politicians and entertainment types thumped their self-righteous chests for having taken the high road to railroad Roseanne. FACT: If she were using a real comparison of Jarrett to a monkey, a hateful, old stereotype, she deserved censure. That’s disgusting. But I’ve got another take on this. Perhaps Roseanne didn’t really say it. It was her tweet, but not her words.

What do I mean? As far back as 1994, Barr acknowledged suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Roseanne has MPD—Multiple Personality Disorder. Two decades ago, through therapy, she identified at least seven alter personalities. One was called “Somebody” and the another “Nobody.” Others included Baby, Cindy, Joey and Heather. Students of our International School of Exorcism (to enroll CLICK HERE.) understand the magnitude of this disorder. If an individual has DID, it’s possible for an alter personality to say and do things that the core person would never do or say. They might not even know what was said and done. From what has been published in the past about Roseanne’s disorder, it’s possible that the racist rant was the work of an inner identity.

Roseanne’s DID came from her sexual abuse of being incested as a child, information she has publicly revealed. Roseanne says that her mother abused her about the age of 6. She also says her father sexually molested her until she left home at age 17. If that is true, as a counselor and an exorcist I can deduce this much. Roseanne is a multiple, that’s how she has survived. She also has demons from the incest, and they have been working for decades to humiliate and destroy her. In no way do I excuse her racist rant, but it’s possible she has a hateful, self-destructive alter, driven by demons, who tweeted things that the real Roseanne did not say. If so, I condemn what was said, but I pray for her alters who felt driven to say it. Roseanne, you tried therapy which only partially fixed the problem. Now, try Jesus, your Jewish Messiah. He can heal you and your alters so you won’t live in fear of saying something like this racist rant again.

An Encouraging word: GOD’S WAYS

One of the most difficult lessons we must learn as Christians is that God’s ways are not our ways. Psalm 25:4-5 puts it this way: Show me your way, O Lord, teach me your paths, guide me in your truth. Successful Christian living is discovering the ways, paths, and truths of God, His will for our lives. New Christians quickly learn that spiritual accomplishments are seldom achieved by human logic. If you try to let your rational mind make all your important decisions, many of your plans will fail. Pray David’s prayer, and find HIS leading in your life.

Bob Larson has trained healing and deliverance teams all over the world to set the captives free and Do What Jesus Did® (Luke 4:18). You can partner with Bob and support this vision to demonstrate God’s power in action by calling 303-980-1511 or clicking here to donate online.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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