
Satanic Murder for the Money


He murdered two sisters as a sacrifice to Satan. This isn’t a conspiratorial hoax. It’s not some ancient ritual. It happened last year in London, England, and the trial was just completed. Danyal Hussein, age 18, of Iraqi-Kurdish heritage, took a kitchen knife and stabbed two young women to death after signing a demonic pact in his own blood.

He had previously exhibited violent tendencies with an interest in the occult. But instead of being sent to an exorcist he was referred to an anti-cult “de-radicalization program,” whatever that means. It didn’t work. He became increasingly obsessed with satanism and eventually wrote out his agreement with the devil in his own blood. The satanic contract was addressed to “Lucifuge Rofocale,” supposedly the demon in charge of Hell’s government. Only someone deeply steeped in black magic would be familiar with this name. He also made another pledge to Queen Byleth, the wife of the king of Hell in order to get women to have sex with him.

Danyal agreed to perform a minimum of six human sacrifices every six months for as long as physically capable. He would murder only women. In return he would win the Mega Millions Super Jackpot. The devil would also agree to keep him from being suspected by the police. Neither happened. Instead, police arrested him outside his mother’s home. He was tried and convicted. The judge said, “There are no deals to be had in this court with the devil.”

The mother of the two girls responded to the court’s guilty verdict by saying, “As a follower of Christ, losing two of my girls this way could have been enough to shake a person’s faith, fortunately it didn’t.” Ironically, this mother was also an ordained priest in the Church of England and had an assignment to work with people involved in the occult and said she sometimes cleared houses of evil presences.

I don’t exactly why the devil was able to kill these two Christian girls with a cleric for a mother. Was there a generational curse in the family that went undetected? Was it random, like the tower of Siloam Jesus spoke of in Luke 13:4 that fell and killed 18 people? Jesus used this story to illustrate the dangers of perishing spiritually, but gave no deep, theological explanation as to why it fell. Some things the devil does are shrouded in mystery. But there is no mystery as to why Danyal Hussein murdered. He made a deal with the devil and will spend the rest of his life behind bars as his end of the bargain. Whatever the devil promises, he only delivers sin, sickness, suffering, and an eternity on Hell. That’s a deal you don’t want to make.

An Encouraging Word


I am worn out from groaning; all night long I flood my bed with weeping.” That lament of David in Psalm 6:6 makes this one of the saddest Psalms. What was the source of David’s misery? His sin. He looked with lust on Bathsheba and paid for it the rest of his life. His emotional pain was deep and long-lasting. His sin took but a moment to conceive in his mind, but its consequences lasted a lifetime. Here is the lesson to be learned. The price you will pay for disobeying God will last much longer, and be more devastating, than the extent of your evil.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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