
Satanism in Public Schools


If it were not tragic, it would sound like a bad joke. But it’s true. After school “Satan-Clubs” have been established in public schools, and more are on the way. Claiming legal protection by a Supreme Court ruling, a group known as The Satanic Temple is establishing clubs for the devil in various public schools. It made news recently, but it has been going on for years and gaining momentum. I am very familiar with the group behind this and want to tell you what is really going on. This issue may seem minor now, but it is a crack in the door for demons to boldly enter classrooms. Ironically, it was claimed discrimination against a Christian school club that resulted in the 2001 Supreme Court ruling of “Good News Club v. Milford Central School” that opened the door. The Satanic Temple claimed that what was good for Christians also applied to them. More about that illogic in a moment.

Previous attempts by The Satanic Temple to infiltrate public schools have mostly encountered disinterest. One reason is that for a student to attend an after-school club they must have parental permission. And what goes on at clubs for the devil? According to the Temple actual Satanism isn’t taught, as least not explicitly. The temple says students participate in “games and thinking exercises, benevolence and creative expression.” Hmm. Wonder what that means. The latest controversy is over a club at a Moline, Illinois elementary school, designed for grades one through five. A Satanic Temple flyer says the children will learn “basic education skill.” What? I thought that was what they were supposed to be getting in the classroom?

Instead of fighting back against such nonsense the Board of Education in Moline issued a statement saying, “To illegally deny their organization to pay to rent our publicly-funded institution, after school hours, subjects the district to a discrimination lawsuit, which we will not win, likely taking thousands upon thousands of tax-payer dollars away from our teachers, staff and classrooms.” They may call this prudence; I call this pathetic capitulation. The kids in the club are not cognitively enhanced adults, they are children with easily malleable minds. Does the Board of Education really think that Satanists can be trusted to completely avoid any ideology of evil? To draw that conclusion is to be horribly naïve or grossly negligent of child welfare.

I know The Satanic Temple well. Over the years their groups have randomly attended our seminars. Two years ago, before COVID hit, about 25 of them attended our seminar in Detroit. That night a young mother violently manifested demons. At one point, the demons pointed to The Satanic Temple members sitting on the front row, dressed totally in black, and sneeringly said, “These people are my puppets.” (Click on this link to watch the video “The Devil in Detroit” to see what happened that night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7o1ajQ63yg.

For all of the demonic bravado of The Satanic Temple, they are craven when it comes to a real debate about their beliefs. Notwithstanding the “congeniality” of their members in Detroit, the leaders have stonewalled every contact made to them by our ministry. We have given them an opportunity to debate me on our livestream “Bob Larson Live.” No response. In just a few weeks, The Temple is bringing their national convention to Scottsdale, Arizona where our offices and studio are located. They call it Satancon. I contacted them saying I planned to attend, (Not likely now because of COVID with my family and staff.) and I asked to debate them in public. Remember, I allowed them to debate me in my seminars. No response. Either they are too incompetent to give a reasonable response, or they are afraid. I presume the latter.

If The Satanic Temple thinks that having a Satan club in public schools, using the facilities built with hard-earned, taxpayers’ dollars, is about freedom of religion, here are my concerns.

#1 – Can we really assume that these ideologues of evil will never mention anything regarding their beliefs during their club meetings?

#2 – Are they trustworthy enough, as Satanists, to never attempt even the most subtle indoctrination of the minds of children as young as five or six?

#3 – I understand that the Temple is officially “non-theistic” and claims they are not Satanist in the classical sense, that they don’t worship a literal devil. But that distinction is merely academic. In the supernatural world of demonic evil, they spiritually embrace a real devil who uses them as satanic storm troopers creating spiritual shock and awe to get people used to the idea of Satanists in our midst.

#4 – The symbol of the Temple is the dual-sexualized Baphomet image of Lucifer featuring a stylized male phallus, female breasts, cloven feet, horns, a goat’s head with a pentagram. If that is their standard bearer, the image emblazoned on their official website, should children be placed at the mercy of individuals who give homage to such a demonic, grotesque depiction of the devil?

#5 — More on Baphomet. He is the demon worshiped by the Knights Templar, precursor to Freemasonry. This demon goes back to ancient Egypt. The Satanic Temple has a large statue of this image, being adored by two children, which it has placed in public places, including the state capitol of Illinois. It is one of the alternate images of Lucifer, and to adopt this depiction is to invite possession of this evil spirit and his minions.

America, take these incursions of demonic beliefs seriously. They may seem like minor irritations now, but over time evil metastasizes. “Overcome evil with good,” Romans 12:21 reminds us. If more Christians were casting out demons, there would be fewer people left to become Satanists of any kind. Enroll in our School of exorcism and get started now, fighting back against the devil with actions, not rhetoric, real spiritual warfare instead of abstract, prophetic pronouncements.  

An Encouraging Word


“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it” (Ephesians 5:15 KJV). Those are tough words for any husband to live up to. He gave himself. He died for the church. I wonder, how many husbands and fathers would literally be willing to die for their families? Many would. Many would not, and they prove it by spousal physical and emotional abuse, and the neglect of their children. No wonder the devil makes it so hard on so many families. We need many things in our immoral, love-starved world. But one of the things we need most are husbands who truly love their wives.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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