
Satanist Marilyn Manson Unmasked


As a child he was known as Brian Warner, an odd kid growing up in Canton, Ohio. Once, while sleeping in the family home, someone broke in during the middle of the night and tried to smother him. As an adolescent he secretly watched his grandfather masturbate with porn. An older neighbor molested him and then killed his beloved dog. He attended a Christian school, heard the gospel, and rejected it. He says he hated the school.

People thought he was weird, so he deliberately tried to be as strange as possible. When he formed a rock band he re-christened himself after his two heroes, actress Marilyn Monroe and psychopathic mass murderer Charles Manson. Warner admired Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey. In Manson’s book “The Long Hard Road Out of Hell” he admitted that LaVey officially certified him as a minister in the Church of Satan. One of his most famous songs was entitled “Antichrist Superstar.” Church of Satan members have spoken directly to me of Manson’s deep and serious affiliation with the demonic organization. Satanism is what really drove his music, his performances, and his behavior.

In the past several weeks, almost a dozen women have come forward telling how Manson sexually and physically abused them. One says Manson had a bedroom called his “rape room.” Others told of violent acts of sadism and bondage. Actress Evan Rachel Wood, who was engaged to Manson for eight months, claims that Manson groomed her when she was a teen and then brainwashed her into submission, calling him a “dangerous man.” She also alleges that he tied her up, beat, and raped her. Musician Chloe Black said, “I thought he was actually going to kill me.” Manson himself once said of an ex-girlfriend, “I have images in my mind every day of smashing her head with a hammer.”

Should anyone be shocked? Manson’s demonic megalomania was in full view for all to see. Behind it all was his hatred of Christianity and his devotion to Satanism, fueled by his sexual abuse as a child. Demons? Of course, he’s possessed, Jezebel for starters, and likely Lucifer. And yet, there is hope, even for such an evil individual. Manson heard many sermons and Bible studies about Jesus, His incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. Deep inside, he knows that Christ is the Savior of the world.

In all that’s happened, he’ll likely lose what’s left of his career as a rock star. His record label and his talent agency have both dropped him. He may even go to prison.  I know that he’s aware of who I am. The church and school he attended used my books and teaching. Brian Warner, if you’re listening, you were the victim of a generational curse that led to your molestation and misery. It doesn’t excuse the evil you willingly embraced, but God knows the bigger story of your life, and He loves you in spite of your dedication to the devil. Even you can be saved, and I’m offering my services as an exorcist to free you from your demons. It’s not too late.

An Encouraging Word


Liberty v. grace. The conflict over these Christian virtues has raged for centuries. That shouldn’t be. Paul settled this issue clearly in Romans 14:21, where he declared that we should do nothing if a fellow Christian is caused to stumble, be offended, or is “made weak.” Yet the many in evangelicalism seem intent today on blatantly boasting of things which can harm the faith of other Believers. We should not come into bondage to every petty preference of other Christians. But we should be more sensitive about dismissing the convictions of other Christians with a cavalier attitude.

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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