
Scenes From Kiev, Ukraine

A student of our Russian-language School of Exorcism shows a poster she made.
A standing-room-only crowd responds with excitement for the message of deliverance.
In addition to our week at the Bible College, training more than 1,000 future pastors, we stopped in Ukraine’s capitol, Kiev, for two enthusiastic meetings. Each night the auditorium was filled beyond capacity with excited audiences. People crammed the hallways leading to the auditorium, and many stood on their feet for hours, just to get inside.
This is one reason I love Eastern European people so much. They are fervent in worship and determined to take what we teach and put it into action. So many people manifested demons that we resorted to doing mass deliverance.
Christians there want the Gospel plain and simple. No clever marketing. No seeker-friendly enticements. Just the demonstration of Christ’s power to set people free. Nearly every person in the audience raised their hands to say they watch our YouTube exorcisms every week.
We also air a weekly TV show (produced locally in Ukraine) that is aired, with Russian voiceovers, on a satellite network with a signal that reaches from Europe to Scandinavia to past Moscow and the Ural Mountains—reaching 300 million Russian speaking people.
The message of deliverance may be under-appreciated in America, but over there it is enthusiastically embraced. Thanks to each of our partners who send their tithes and offerings to make this worldwide outreach possible.
We return home rejoicing in our hearts but saddened at the financial challenges we now face. Look at these pictures above and see the impact your gifts are having. Thank you for your generous gift today.
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Picture of Bob Larson

Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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