
Showdown with Satanism


A week ago last Friday, we held a seminar in Detroit, Michigan. When it came time to open the doors to the meeting room, I was shocked at what I saw. Standing in line first to get inside were about two dozen members of the local chapter of The Satanic Temple. Many were all black-clad, some in long, flowing robes, and festooned with an array of demonic paraphernalia, including ubiquitous, devil-worshiping, goat’s-head pentagrams. The leaders seated themselves on the front row, giving horned, two-fingered salutes to Satan.   For those not familiar with this cult, I’ve covered their activities in previous blogs: “Satanic Temple at Seminar” 04/01/19 (To read click here.); “Satanic Merry Christmas” 12/17/18 (To read click here.): “Satanism Triumphs” 02/22/16 (To read click here.) This demonic organization is the newly gussied-up face of Satanism. Unlike the secretive-nudes-on-the-alter brand of Anton LaVey (author of “The Satanic Bible”) or the Temple of Set (which believes in a real devil), the Temple is in the public, in your face. Instead of the standard satanic glorification of sensual desires, they emphasize First Amendment rights, putting half-human, half-goat Baphomet demon statues in public place, and file lawsuits to open official governmental meetings with invocations of “Hail Satan.”   That night in Detroit they were respectful, for the most part, minus a few obnoxious interruptions. Mostly they were polite, waiting to take selfies with me and proclaiming they were my biggest fans—no kidding. They proved it by bringing with them personal copies of my books, including older ones out of print like “Satanism: The Seduction of America’s Youth” which they implored me to autograph. So, what was their real point, and why did I allow them to attend?   Who else is going to bring them the gospel and demonstrate the power of Christ? We are to love our “enemies” (Luke 6:27) and preach the gospel to “every creature” (Mark 16:15). More importantly, that night they witnessed up-close-and-personal a violent, unmistakably authentic exorcism of a young mother, possessed by demons because of Freemasonry in her bloodline. The Temple leaders were just a few feet away from seeing the chilling, demonic manifestations of an otherwise loving, Christian woman.   Pray for the Satanists who were there in Detroit, that the demonstration of God’s love and power over a real devil will prevail. More than ever, we need an army of Warriors for Christ, highly trained in fighting the forces of Hell. If there was ever a time to enroll in our International School of Exorcism and Advanced Academy of Deliverance, it’s now. Polite, smiling sermons and cleverly marketed religious relevancy will not win the showdown with Satanism in these last days.

An encouraging word: DON’T MAKE GOD MAD

In Psalm 18:7 David paints a picture of God that doesn’t sit well with our American seeker-friendly style of Christianity. “Then the earth shook and trembled; The foundations of the hills also quaked and were shaken, Because He was angry.” NKJV Wow! If I were you, I wouldn’t want the Lord to be upset. Yes, He is loving and gracious, and He maintains “love to thousand, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin” (Exodus 34:6). But God is also holy, and just, and no sin can be tolerated in His presence. Don’t be deceived by today’s easy believism to the point that you upset God’s righteous character. Don’t make Him mad!

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Bob Larson

The world's foremost expert on cults, the occult, and supernatural phenomena.

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